The Electronic Frontier Foundation is requesting to allow legitimate remodeling even for games that the server closed when the service terminated

ByDavid C

No matter how popular games, as time passes and a lot of new games and hards appear, the number of players will gradually decline. In online games that are exploding in recent years, it is necessary to prepare a dedicated game server so that online play can be done, but as the number of players decreases, its maintenance fee will not be stupid, so in order to close the server "Service terminationIt has to do. In order to be able to legally play the game which can not be played due to such service termination,Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) is acting.

Videogame Publishers: No Preserving Abandoned Games, Even for Museums and Archives, Because "All Hacking" is Illegal | Electronic Frontier Foundation

There are a lot of enthusiastic game fans, museums, researchers and others who are participating in various initiatives to "leave old games playable". Even if the servers required for game play are closed due to the termination of service or the like, these people can also play games without a server by setting up a new server or changing the game itself I hope to do it, but the law that disturbs this activity "Digital Millennium Copyright LawIt seems that such activity is hindered. Therefore, EFF and law student Kendra Albert said that in order to leave the game in posterable form, the Digital Millennium Copyright ActSection 1201It seems that we are consulting with the United States Copyright Office, which can not be avoided.

Apart from EFF and Albert, many opinions are coming up among many gamer communities, museums, and researchers saying "I want to maintain the game where the server will be closed due to service termination".


However, it is an industry association of American computer game industryEntertainment Software Association(ESA) does not want to repair old games and play it, making it possible to play broken games and older games is a "hacking" in the broad sense and is said to be "infringement of copyright" I will.

On the other hand, EFF says, "Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is a long-used provision among entertainment industries, with the influence of which has made the entertainment industry a terribly oligopolistic market. There is no surprise that ESA with great power in the game industry opposes the avoidance of section 1201 with the American Association of Motion Picture Associations and the American Recording Industry Association. "

From the ESA, "If you improve old games that have been discontinued and you can connect to a new server or play without a server, you will be able to continue playing the game endlessly and the game industry will not go on" Allowing the exclusion of section 1201 and warning warning "It will send a message to the world that hacking is recognized as legal" to the world.

ByTom Lawrence

Anytime, anywhere on the Internet anyone can deliver games to people around the world. For example, although Super Mario 64 remodeled by the latest technology was released so that anyone can play it, this is also deleted since Nintendo sent a notice of copyright infringement.

"Super Mario 64" browser / download version remodeled by the latest technology is being released - GIGAZINE

in Game, Posted by logu_ii