Free release of the original ghost story animation "Heisei Matsue Kaidan" series started

Speaking of famous people representing "Shimane prefecture Matsue city" is a writer, Koizumi Yakumo, known for "ghost stories", and Matsue City actively uses this ghost image. Matsue's sightseeing ambassador Matsue, "secret society hawk's claw" director FROGMAN and ghost story writer Kiyohiko Kihara gathered to make a new ghost stories cartoon "Heisei Matsue ghost story" and published it on the special site.

The ghost stories and Matsue | Yoshida's Matsue great strategy

The beginning part of the first episode "Ikke" is like this.

Heisei Matsue Kaidan "Ikkeko" short version - YouTube

A certain school in Matsue city

There was a rumor that there was a mosquito inside while the third door of the girls' toilet was closed.

N who was listening to that from seniors, I did not mind that it was a rumor of a ghost story anyway.

One day, when Mr. N enters the girls' toilet ... ....

The ghost stories are scheduled to be released for free at one pace per month.

In addition, since the site "Gizmos of Koizumi Yakumo understandable in three minutes" has been released, you can also see Matsue's "ghost stories" culture deeper by seeing this together. This is a movie that introduced a story about Koizumi Yakumo who wrote a ghost story.

Koizumi Yakumo's Ghost Story in 3 Minutes "Koizumi Yakumo" - YouTube

And Yoshida taught me about various ghost stories.

Koizumi Yakumo's Ghost Story in 3 Minutes "No Ear Hitoshi" - YouTube

in Video,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt