Ten points to get up early and have a meaningful morning

ByGian Ω merz

Even thought that "I will get up early in the morning of tomorrow", many people change the alarm clock to snooze function and postpone wake-up time and postponement time, and somehow spend an inordinate time as a drag Should But,Successful people got up early and started moving before 8 amIt is said. So, in order to make the day full, we can automatically record data on the net smart scale "Withings WS-50"We develop and sell smart devices related to health such asWithingsI'm putting together the tricks for greeting the morning.

10 Tips to Kill Morning Grogginess - Health Boosters

◆ 01: Do not use the snooze function
Alarm setting up to once. Without detailed explanation, Withings wrote, "Please believe in anyway, your body should appreciate it" and guarantee refreshing awakening by not using the snooze function.

ByJason Rogers

◆ 02: put exercise in the priority of doing morning
Morning exercise may be hard for a few days to several weeks after you start doing. But in the end the body should get used to jogging and yoga early in the morning. Move the body in the morning, you will have a wonderful beginning of the day.


◆ 03: Open the window
If we incorporate the morning sun and morning air, nature and energy will come up.

ByAmanda tipton

◆ 04: I also take the usual sleep on the weekend
The regular schedule makes it easier to get into a deep sleep and refreshes the awakening in the morning. Please aim at the same wake-up time as a weekday even on holidays that often tend to oversleep.

ByMatt Biddulph

◆ 05: Take a deep breath 3 to 5 times when waking up in the morning
It is important to inform the body that "Oxygen is being awakened" by taking oxygen into the body firmly with deep breathing.

ByAlex Dram

◆ 06: Get out of bed
When you release your leg from the bed and shake it, it will trigger you to start the jumpstart and at the same time shift your body from "sleep mode" to "wake up mode".

ByNick Thompson Nick in exsilio

◆ 07: Change alarm music
With advances in technology it has become easier to turn alarms into music of your choice. Please change to music that will make your waking up fun, not music that you want to snooze quickly.

ByAlex Naanou

◆ 08: take a shower
A morning shower is a strong ally awakening. It is said that it becomes easier to wake up by making hot water hot or cold.


◆ 09: As much as possible to do in the morning
Please prepare lunch and arrange bags, please do what you need to do as much as possible the night before. By doing so you can ease the morning that is busy and feeling depressed.


◆ 10: Give yourself a reward that gets up early.
Give yourself an early rising morning every morning, such as "make omelets", "go to a coffee shop" "make special coffee" "take a breakfast slowly while reading the newspaper".

ByEneas De Troya

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log