The anticipation that Apple's new flat-rate music service will be released late, what is the reason?

ByKārlis Dambrāns

AppleAcquired Beats in May 2014We are preparing a new music distribution service based on music streaming service Beats Music. That music service is Apple Watch andNew MacBook AirAnnouncement is expected March 9 (Japan time on March 10, early) will be held Event "Spring forward"9to 5Mac reports that the announcement of the new music service will slip to" WWDC 2015 "to be held in June.

Apple plans relaunched beats streaming music service for WWDC, skipping March event; Apple TV still coming | 9to 5Mac

According to 9to 5 Mac, Apple's new music service, which integrated Beats Music with iTunes, was originally scheduled to be released in early 2015, but the release is postponed due to various circumstances. According to information 9to5Mac got from music industry officials, former employees of Beats such as Bobby Gaza retired and former employees of Beats and technology shifted difficult, the release was postponed It seems to be.

In addition, although Apple is also developing the company's first application for Android as a mobile application of a new music service, the Android application developers retired and there is a possibility that release may be delayed here. Currently, Apple is looking for software developers of Beats application for Android.

Although there was a possibility to install the new music service in iOS 8.4, it seems that it will finally be installed in iOS 9. The service for iOS will integrate the application "music" which is standard in iOS, and the function will be inherited from the application "Beats Music" for iPhone.

In addition, the new music service that Apple is preparing starts at 7.99 dollars a month (about 960 yen), and in fact it will be offered at a lower price than the current Beats Music and Spotify .

in Note,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log