Excellent talent from Apple flows out to Tesla led by Eiron Mask

Excellent American students tend to aim for Silicon Valley instead of Wall StreetAs you can see also, Silicon Valley high-tech companies are attracting a lot of people. Among them, Apple is popular alongside Google, and it is currently under constructionNew buildingThere are a lot of people longing for commuting to. But it is more attractive than AppleEarlon maskBe ledTesla Motors(Tesla) and, in recent years, technicians and senior executives who leave Apple to transfer to Tesla are on the rise.

Want Elon Musk to Hire You at Tesla? Work for Apple - Bloomberg Business

In October 2013, Apple vice president of product development Doug Field was headhunted by Tesla. Mr. Field was a person known for working on hardware designs such as MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and iMac, after transferring to Apple in 2008 through Segway and Ford, but he responded without hesitation to the call for Earon Mask Thing. Mr. Field seems to have never thought about leaving Apple because he was satisfied with Apple's work and environment but he agreed with Tesla's goal of "developing the best car in the world" I quit Apple.

Although Tesla's pull out of Apple executives became a big topic at the time, it has been said that over 150 people have been converted from Apple to Tesla. In addition, the number coming from Apple is more than any other companies including automakers. This fact indirectly shows that Tesla is a hi-tech enterprise rather than an automaker.

According to analysts at Morgan Stanley, the importance of software in cars is only 10% of the total at the present time, but with the advent of automatic driving cars, the ratio is expected to rise to 60% after 10 years It is said that not only Tesla but car manufacturers all over the world are starting to focus on software development. However, Silicon Valley's excellent technician sees Detroit, which once boasted as a center of the automobile industry as "old-fashioned place", and there seems to be almost no person who transfers from Silicon Valley to a major automobile manufacturer of Detroit . And Tesla led by Mr. Mask CEO who is the software developer of Bali Bali originally think that the excellent engineers of Silicon Valley are attractive, it is overwhelmingly advantageous in competition to acquire talent among automobile manufacturers It is in the position.

In fact, there are many people that the existence of Mask CEO has become a major reason for deciding to transfer from Apple to Tesla. Mask CEO's reputation, such as the speed of head rotation and the delicacy that sticks to details of the design, is equivalent to Steve Jobs who once led Apple. In other words, for Apple engineers without jobs, Tesla led by Mask is much more attractive. Talking with Mr. Mask CEO who is in charge of the final interview of Tesla, it seems that some engineers have decided to transfer from Apple to Tesla, because the talks are greatly raised among engineers and they are fascinated by mask CEO in the blink of an eye.

ByJD Lasica

Apple has not commented on anything that there are a lot of employees transferring to Tesla. Of course, in Silicon Valley, which is a treasure house of talented people, it is often that the battle will be spread over outstanding talent, and Apple is also well known fact that Tesla outstanding engineers are drawing out. However, according to Mask CEO, "Apple has offered Tesla employees a transfer of $ 250,000 (about 30 million yen) and a present increase of 60%, but so far, There are only a few people. "

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