Headline news on February 3, 2015

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:13 Feb 03, 2015, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

"The Boncaree" that Otsuka food is the premium product of the highest quality in Bonkarey history,(PDF file)Release on February 12 (Thursday)To do. As a material, we use beef shank meat boiled until soft and domestic onions, potatoes and carrots. The price is 500 yen per tax.

By the way, GIGAZINE's past article on the same day of the same month was like this.

RoboCop has changed his appearance for the first time in 27 years and resurrected, sprinkling beans with Shibamata Teishin, deviling demons - GIGAZINE

I compared Japan's 500 yen coin, which might be the strongest in the world, with the currencies of the world - GIGAZINE

"What you need is common sense." Interview with Hiroshi Ito Hiroshi Announcer, a veteran who has worked for more than 30 years at NHK - GIGAZINE

SQUARE ENIX 's animation business "Animation is a business, it guesses exactly" - GIGAZINE

"Nemo Observatorium" that you can experience the situation sitting in a blizzard with white fine particles - GIGAZINE

"Cat predicting death" who saw 50 inpatients who gave off the smell of death - GIGAZINE

Totally realistic Totoro using only 6 net materials - GIGAZINE

A test movie of the electromagnetic rail gun carried out by the US Navy - GIGAZINE

Juggling "contact juggling" to keep objects away from the body - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)

EXCEL "You joined the cell" Wai "Yes": Kinyaki

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Eliminate Alzheimer's causative substances Osaka Univ., Structure Elucidation: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Invasion of infectious retroviruses repeatedly - Investigation of the history of migration of cats Discovery of evidence of retrovirus infection as a clue to explore the history of migration -? Kyoto University

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
If pilot survival confirmation was released NHK News

Kenji Goto: Joint investigation headquarters to hear foreign guide guide - Mainichi Newspaper

Mr. Goto calls a acquaintance's Syrian male on November 1, "I was betrayed by a guide" and the investigation headquarters searched as guides know that something is wrong.

"Islamic country" clearly recognizes that Japan's support is "non military" - the appearance of Islamic studies in the Middle East and Mt.

Goto told "Mr. Three times to stop traveling" Deputy Secretary of the Government Secretary: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Goto temporarily transported to the border with Turkey or NHK News

Foreign Minister Goto Recognizes the possibility of detention in December NHK News

Tokyo Shimbun: Do not increase the number of movies until the opening of the newspaper Japanese hostages in the local headquarters: Politics (TOKYO Web)

Supporting Mr. Goto, what is "Raleigh Peck"? | Europe | Toyo Keizai Online | Business site for new generation leaders

A major freelance center covering conflict areas

【Reading the world】 Political enemies killing, falling apart is on the street ... Mexican darkness through the wickedness of the "Bloody Empress" 43 students stuck up are buried (1/4 page) - Sankei WEST

Three handguns and sixty live bullets at home "Approved by the prefectural police": Society: Sports broadcast

Hokusei Gakuen University also "threatening students" in threatening sentence entrance examination - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)

Sharp to 30 billion yen deficit NHK News

Copyrights protection is adjusted in principle in 70 years TPP NHK News

"260 shops closed" 100 yen Lisaon's mistake in opening a store strategy | manager online

Discontinue work on Novartis Pharma NHK News

Skymark fund, only 300 million yen ... At the time of applying the revitalization law: Economy: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)

A group of starling starlings, geometric patterns in the sky of sunset 28 pictures International News: AFPBB News

Why are there many "postpartum divorce" in Japan? | Original | Toyo Keizai Online | Business site for new generation leaders

Mr. Murakami, please apologize - Mr. Murakami / Haruki Murakami Limited time official website

Twilight finally arrived in Osaka 15 hours and half late with snow cover: Asahi Shimbun Digital

VIPPER like me: college college there are some announcements!

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Virgin expects to "satellite net plan" | Bloomberg News | video | Toyo Keizai online | The leading business person, aiming for entrepreneurs It is full of must-read videos.

24 slides with graphs that you should never drawFromItoyan 110

Bootstrap 3 Japanese Language Reference

Relationship between influence of Exim's GHOST vulnerability and validation | Hiroshi Tokumaru's diary

The security effect of validation is considered as follows.

· Validation criterion is application specification (re-listed)
· As in the case of Exim, there are quite a few examples that the vulnerability did not become obvious depending on the way of validation (Reference: Drupal example)
· However, since validation is not a reliable measure, do not neglect vulnerability countermeasures
· As a result, developers should take measures against vulnerability by assuming that there is no protective effect by validation
· I will keep validation. Sometimes it becomes a safety net

Amazon, home delivery to Japan to "Speed ​​of different dimension": Nikkei Business Online

I asked Jasper Chan, president of Amazon Japan, about the next one of these Amazons.

Please be careful when updating SSL certificate from SHA? 1 to SHA? 2! - Sakura Knowledge

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Monty Oum has passed away away
3DCG web animation "RWBY (ruby)"The director of Monty Oum died. 33 years old.

On "Combination of longs" in Comiket etc. - Togetter Summary

【Impact】 Popular adult cartoonist's royalty is too much wwwwwwwww: Kini speed

Ingress (Bulletin Board) Breaking News: [Genius] Agent working in the late night zone reverses the idea and registers in local crime prevention volunteers

I felt that the idol lover OL watched "Love Live!" Live viewing - banned pickled twice

Book worm: Analog game area of ​​fighting conference 2015, impression of a certain management staff

What kind of anime is interesting? - Anime list 90 times for such a time - Great times all the time


A new album series spotted on "sound effect" which is an indispensable existence for the game with music starts!

The first series in the series features "credit sound (coin insertion sound)" which is the most important sound effect for arcade games! We recorded 99 sound effects collected from various old and new games such as Darius, Groove coaster!

Production and supervision of this album series is handled by Ishikawa Katsuhisa who is a sound effect creator for many years at ZUNTATA.

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
What was the refraining from program broadcasting in the Islamic hostage incident? Claims gathered by "Challenge" by Chibara Junior (Troubled Skimmer) - Individual - Yahoo! News

Aphex Twin (user 48736353001) Notes on mass undisclosed song festival: matsu & amp; take

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
New shape bottle easy to open and easy to hold "New Yogurt Plain LB 81 made by Meiji Bulgaria"

Menu popular with women! "Avocado & Shrimp" will appear in FamilyMart's "Tortilla"!

· Previous headline
Headline news on February 2, 2015 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt