McDonald's unveiled the process until the potatoes become mac fly potatoes

"It is difficult for stable procurement of the raw material" potato "due to the prolonged port and labor negotiations on the West Coast of the United States", which means that in McDonald's in Japan, from December 17, 2014 until January 4, 2015 period,Temporary sale of Mac fly potato to S size onlywas doing. Also for the same reason in Kentucky nowFrench fries halted temporarilyAnd fried potatoes disappeared from the menu.

The size limit of potatoes made in McDonald's JapanA big topic overseasHowever, McDonald 's has released McDonald' s manufacturing process of McDonald 's Mac fly potatoes that are loved from all over the world on YouTube.

Our food. What questions McDonald's fries made of?? - YouTube

Mac fly potatoes are fried in a shop at the shop ... ...

It is seasoned with salt using a cooking utensil for swelling salt. The amount of salt used at this time is surprisingly unobtrusive as it is just 4 spoons of fry potatoes M size.

And the seasoned potatoes were transferred to a familiar potato container ......

It will be provided to customers as they are. This movie is to unveil how such Mac fly potatoes are made together by going back one step at a time from the state of the fry potato provided at the shop.

The fact that McDonald's potatoes served at McDonald's stores are being processed into potatoes from potatoes harvested in the fieldSimplotIt is a food manufacturer. Actually it is not McDonald 's being processed.

Within the factory the forklift was busily moving around to ship the mountain of fry potatoes.

Coco Neer, Simplot 's production planning director, will explain the manufacturing process of Mac fly potato.

So we will look at how fly potatoes delivered to McDonald's stores are processed in order. One step before delivery to the store is "to freeze potatoes".

We have frozen a lot of cut potatoes in one stroke, packed in bags and delivered to each store.

Before freezing potatoes is done the process of "lightly fried potatoes".

By lightly fried potato, Mac fly potatoes cooked at the store will be finished crisply.

If you look closely, you can see that there is certainly a slightly colored potato and not a raw state.

What is done before that is "Put potatos in materials" work.

Potatoes are pickled in liquids where plenty of seasoning is melted, before being fried.

"D-type glucose" contained in this liquid is to make the color of potato uniform when fried potatoes are fried. The lanes carrying the potatoes are immersed in plenty of liquid soaked.

Besides, it seems that "acidic sodium pyrophosphate" for preventing frozen potato discoloration is also included.

Potatoes are constantly immersed in potatoes in these liquids, so potatoes always have a beautiful color, so they can enjoy the same taste at any time.

Further going back to the manufacturing process. In the previous process seasoned with potatoes, it seems that "potatoes are cut into fry potatoes".

A large amount of potatoes in a state of skin peeling rolls ... ...

As it passes through the pipe, it is finished in the shape of that fry potatoes, and it is thrown into the seasoning liquid as it is.

How to cut the potatoes is that the secret is in the blade stretched in this lattice pattern. Since this blade is charged in the pipe, when it passes through a pipe, the potato is automatically cut into the shape of fry potato. The potato passing through this pipe is moving at 60 to 70 mph (about 97 to 113 kilometers) per hour.

And finally I came up to the first process to be done at this factory. The first thing done at the factory is "Receiving Potato".

A lot of potatoes moved lanes, washed with water, peeled off, and put into a cutter pipe ... ...

Potatoes used for Mac fry potatoes are large and small.

Let's follow the lane where these potatoes are carried.


Anyway a lot of potatoes will move up and down on the lane, ...

I came up to the track.

It is this track that brings potatoes to the plant of Simplot.

And the truck brings the potatoes harvested in such a vast field to the factory.

It is Mac fly potato that many people love and stop in Japan, but if you know the manufacturing process, you can relax affection for your own fry potatoes, such as "Mac fly potato is crisp, sorry ..." It may be as good as you may know.

in Video,   Food, Posted by logu_ii