What is the negative impact of digital society on the brain, such as "multitasking loses concentration"?
With the introduction of smartphone, you can connect anytime anywhere on the Internet, so you can read the latest news, communicate with friends via e-mail or SNS, and many things can be handled easily, but handling overflowing information There are some experts who point out that the human brain is under greater load than before. Located in CanadaMcGill UniversityDaniel J Levitin, a professor of psychology and behavioral neuroscience department, is one of the people who sounds a horn to the digital society and reveals the relationship between the digital society and the brain.
Why the modern world is bad for your brain | Science | The Guardian
In modern society, human brain is said to be busier than before. A smartphone that can do anything with e-mail, SNS, and the Internet has better performance than IBM PC released in the 1980's, for example, planning a trip that had been left to an agency in the past even for airplanes and hotel bookings · It is all made with smartphone, such as sightseeing information · local means of transportation.

ByKārlis Dambrāns
However, the smartphone has a problem. There is a person who says, "It is now possible to process multitasking with smartphone", but the task of simultaneously doing email, SNS, games, etc. on smartphones and PCs is not multitasking.MITEarl Miller, a neuroscientist, said, "Multitasking does not do much work at the same time, it is only switching task processing at tremendous speed," said "Multitasking is inefficient It will be. "
Multitasking is a type of stress hormone in the brainCortisolIt has been found in previous studies that it has the effect of promoting the secretion of the protein. Cortisol has a function to stimulate the brain by stimulating the brain, which causes the head to be foggy during multitasking and loses concentration. In addition, there is also the effect that the brain constantly seeks stimulation from multitasking, and if you abuse the brain due to multitasking, you will eventually lack concentration and attention.

ByTom Blackwell
In the past when there was only a stationary type phone, it was common to ignore it even when a call comes in when you are busy, and the other party you call is also "outing and it is absent". In modern times it is not an overstatement to say that the individual ownership of smartphones and mobile phones is higher than the personal use rate of toilets and everyone uses it. Therefore, if there is no opponent to call, the tendency to think that it will be "I will call you later" will be stronger rather than "I wonder what is going out", that is, expectations for actions against missed calls It becomes high and it may become stressful.
Regarding multitasking, in addition to the aboveVarious researchIt has turned out to have an adverse effect on the brain. For example, in a research by a team at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of London, "Multitasking confirming e-mails and calls during other work reduces IQ by about 10, and when represented by a numerical value, it decreases about two times when sucking marijuana "The result that it is reported is reported.

By- Tico--
Russell Poldrack, a professor of psychology at the University of California, found out that multitasking also interferes with learning ability. Normal"Hippocampus"Although you should preserve the information and ideas gained from learning in the part called, the brain during multitasking is the part of the brain involved in the skill"StriatumIt is confirmed that new information is saved in "The brain does not have such a mechanism and it will be burdened.
For multitasking on smartphones there is another act of putting a heavy burden on the brain. That is "decision making". For smartphone work such as "Do you want to delete?" "Do you want to go out?" "Do you want to save mail?", Smartphone work involves many decisions. Decision making consumes brain resources, but the amount of resources consumed is the same regardless of the importance of decision making, so the more the number of decisions, the more burdensome the brain will be.

ByKārlis Dambrāns
It is not only multitasking that Mr. Levitin is ringing a horn. E-mail that appeared as a substitute for a letter says that it also has an adverse effect on the brain. Unlike letters, e-mail that can be sent instantly is one of the tools indispensable for businessmen. However, when it comes to the CEO of a company, it seems that there is a case that it takes a lot of time just by processing e-mails received in large quantities every day, sometimes causing the illusion that "mail processing is your own work?"
Although no one expected it to be a reply immediately in the era when using a letter, it is natural to reply to e-mail immediately in modern times. In order to reply to mail, work is interrupted and you lose work efficiency and concentration. Also, it is necessary to make decisions that burden the brain to reply to e-mails. In addition, because you can quickly check mails on smartphones, some people always check e-mails with anxiety such as "What if you received e-mails are urgent?"

ByJason Rogers
SNS that has been penetrating from young people to the elderly is one of the tools that burdens the brain as well as mail. The place where SNS is bad is in the portion where expectation value for "comment" and "nice" is bigger than mail. I am constantly checking for updates as I am concerned about SNS trendsMake a user into a psychological addictionSometimes.
Taiwanese game players other than multitasking · mail · SNS have confirmed death after playing online games for 40 hours or more in a rowIncidentAnd in KoreaA person who kept playing games for 50 hours or more diedI also did it.

While the digital society centered on the Internet makes our lives convenient, it is obvious that it places a burden on the brain that is not comparable with the old days, sometimes turn off the smartphone and turn off the PC It is important to close and give rest to the brain. It seems better to put in the corner of your head that you care about how busy you are using tools such as email, SNS, and smartphones on the brain.
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