Clearly that all Skype communications could be intercepted in real time
ByHypnosis Photography
Microsoft is browsing messages exchanged between users of SkypeAnd in 2013, after that Skype will provide the government-to-user calls to the government before it was acquired by Microsoft"Project Chess (Project Chess)"It was reported that it was planning to plan. German news siteSPIEGEL ONLINEAccording to the above, it became clear that NSA was able to freely access in real time the exchange of voice, video, text, file exchange of a specific Skype user.
Inside the NSA's War on Internet Security - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Newly published NSA documents show agency could grab all Skype traffic | Ars Technica
This document is for the former NSA staffEdward SnowdenHe said that he was discovered from the information provided by him.Foreign information monitoring law(FISA) acknowledged this access was part of the monitoring program "PRISM", which made it possible to eavesdrop on a specific user in real time.
Although Microsoft acquired Skype in May of 2011, wiretapping of voice calls by NSA began in earlier February 2011. At this time, it was targeted for pay service "Skype in" and "Skype out" which will be able to communicate with fixed phone and mobile phone provided by Skype. In May, the acquisition was made, and in July we could get information to be done in P2P interactions.
ByJean-Marc PAYET
Since Skype is done at P2P, initially NSA officials had to join conversations between users exchanged in different streams, but until August 2012 the cryptanalysis team said both users' remarks We developed technology to automatically join together. And NSA created "User Guide of PRISM · Skype Collection" as a guide to get information from Skype and wrote how to obtain voice information from Skype. Some of them included text searching for voice communication and how to find text chat from the top secret database "PINWALE".
After that the NSA will be able to monitor all the Skype interactions of the target user and the network being monitored. According to the user guide of the PRISM · Skype collection "Skype has no central server, so when multiple parties make a multi party callMesh networkAnd instant messages sent to the group will go through all group participants. " As a result, if one person in chat is targeted and monitored, NSA seems to be able to get instant messages of all group members shared in chat.
ByHorst Bierau
Microsoft previously commented that "we do not give the government direct or free access rights and we do not pass customer information or encryption keys", but alreadyDiscovered that NSA was supporting the access to its online servicedoing.
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