I tried to play F - ZERO - like race game "HexGL" developed with WebGL on a smartphone or PC

A racing game created using WebGL to display 3DCG in the browser is "HexGL"is. HexGL is a nostalgic Super Nintendo Game "F-ZERO"It was made with consciousness, I actually played HexGL with PC or smartphone browser.

HexGL, the HTML 5 futuristic racing game.

Open the above URL and click "PLAY NOW".

After confirming that CONTROLS is set to "KEYBOARD" and PLATFORM to "DESKTOP", click "START".

When the operation method is displayed, click on somewhere on the screen to start the game. The operation method is "←" → "→" on the keyboard is a turn, "↑" is an accelerator, "A" "D" is an air brake.

You can check the movie you actually played HexGL from the following.

I tried playing HexGL - YouTube

It is only made with conscious of "F - ZERO", the view of the world and the machine are similar to F - ZERO. The lap was 3 laps.

The large number displayed at the bottom center of the screen is the speed, the small number is the power gauge.

Occasionally you can speed up when you pass over the blue mark that comes out on the road, but you may hit the wall if you are not used to the operation.

Power gauge diminishes when hitting a wall.

A maximum speed of 700.700 will give you a good sense of running, but the danger of crashing on the wall will be high.

When hits the wall and the power gauge reaches 20 or less, the background changes from blue to red.

When the power gauge becomes zero, the game is over.

Although I played HexGL several times, I could not finish running by hitting the wall. As the official movie of HexGL shows the situation of traveling without hitting the wall, those who want to see a good play can be confirmed from the following.

HexGL, the HTML 5 futuristic racing game - YouTube

HexGLYou can also play on smartphones. To play it on a smartphoneHexGLOpen CONTROLS to "TOUCH" ...

Set PLATFORM to "MOBILE" and tap "START" at the end.

The operation on the smartphone is turned on the left part of the screen, the accelerator on the right part.

On smartphones the picture quality fell a bit but it was playable. However, it is recommended to play with PC browser on those who care about scratching or image quality.

in Review,   Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log