A movie "UK 24" visualizing more than 6,000 aircraft flying over the UK

When you see the sky near the airport, you can see that the aircraft is taking off and landing, but what kind of trajectory the aircraft is flying after takeoff and landing is clearly understood only from the ground not. A movie that visualizes how the aircraft is flying is "UK 24"It is content that understands the state of the sky above the UK where more than 6000 aircraft are flying in the sky everyday.

UK 24 on Vimeo

As early as morning the early morning, many aircraft departed from the east coast of the United States for Europe.

More than half of the aircraft that flew the US will head to the UK.

More than 3,500 aircraft are repeating takeoffs and landings every day in London. Although the number of aircraft is not so large as I thought earlier in the early morning ... ...

With the passage of time the number of aircraft crossing over London increases.

From the ground surface, you can see well that the trajectory of the aircraft landing at Heathrow Airport is exactly the same after turning in the sky.

Heathrow Airport, which is ahead of the big light strikes, is the busiest airport in the world that has two runways.

The number of aircraft flying in the southwestern part of the UK is less than London.

On the east coast of the UK you can see the appearance of the aircraft of the British Air Force exercises. It seems that various exercises are being carried out, circling around one place with the kurukuru, turning while moving a lot.

Flying in places outside the flight route of civil aviationGeneral aviationMachine. Many of them seem to be leisure flights, and the movement of aircraft varies.

The British Air Force aircraft performing a test flight in a dedicated exercise area is doing quite complicated movements.

It is a helicopter that is flying at a slower speed than the aircraft. Aberdeen Airport in the northeastern part of Scotland is the airport with the largest number of helicopters taking off and landing in the world, due to the large number of helicopter transport to North Sea oil fields.

Even after 21 o'clock, a tremendous number of aircraft are flying over the UK. When visualizing the trajectory that the aircraft draws, I clearly understood how the empty traffic is being maintained.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log