Thorough analysis of letters & icons of movie "alien" such as "Icon and alien icons are very similar"
Typography is a word indicating design in general, such as typeface and layout, research has been conducted for a long time in order to show the characters used in the typography effectively. I'm editing at Apple for that typographyDave AddeyMr. "alienThorough analysis of the letters and icons that appeared in the article revealed interesting facts.
Alien | Typeset In The Future
At the opening of the alien, the directive in which the letters of the title slowly emerges partly at a time was adopted.

Three lines ...

Four embossed and emerged ...

I will form a title, but I do not know anything at this point.

When two lines are displayed on the far left, finally the left end can be predicted as "A may?", But the possibility of being "W" is also left.

Close up the leftmost character.

As I get a little closer, the inside of the right is bulging, so you can see that this letter is about to change to "A".

Ultimately the title will be displayed as below.

According to Addey, the font and display effect of the title can be felt to be futuristic beauty, but the detailed explanation of the space cargo ship Nostromo displayed immediately after that is slightly blurred feelingHelveticaIt is regrettable that it is used.

Next to the title we will look at the font used in the Nostromo ship's ship and the iconography showing the details of the facility.

The icon used in the Nostromo ship is an AmericanRon CobbIn 1981 adopted what was invented for cargo trains and cargo spacecraft.

The icon representing coffee seems to be visible in bed depending on viewpoint.

Mr. Cobb's icon was designed with rounded rectangles on the corners, somewhat similar to iOS icons. Because the iOS icon isThe IconfactoryBecause it is designed by a company called Cobb based on the icon created by Mr. Cobb, it is very similar to an icon appearing in an alien.

The type of icon used for the screen when the Nostromo PC is started is unknown.

The cigarette smoked by the crew was named "BALAJI Imperial", probably wearing an alien's suitBorage · BadéjoThere is a possibility that it was attached to him.

Although it is hard to see, the mug contains a green logo of Wayland Utani, who owns the Nostromo issue.

The logo of Wayland · Utani company is included in almost all items in the ship, and the only one not included is BALAJI Imperial.

The beer that the crew is drinking "Aspen Beer"Is also a product of Wayland Utani.

In the letter "captain NOSTROMO" of the captain of Captain DallasPump Demi Bold LETUse a font called. Pump Demi Bold LET is known in the industry as the most seventies font.

The Pump Demi Bold LET was also used for the nameplate of the cabin where the crew were staying.

The character "PURGE (delete)" displayed on the screen of the shuttle that Ripley used to escape from the Nostromo.

A screen of exactly the same design was filmed by Mr. Ridley Scott who directed the alien "Blade runnerIt is not well known that it appears in '.

The following is an unusual design keyboard that Ripley was using when entering Nostromo's suicide code.

The key that Ripley first entered was "PRANIC LIFT 777", and "Prana(Prana) "isSanskritMeaning breathing and breathing in the language used in India and South Asia from the ancient to the Middle Ages.

The key "PADME" is also Sanskrit word, it may be named from "Padma" meaning lotus flower.

"LINGHA" is one of the highest Gods in Sanskrit and Hinduism, Shiva who is responsible for destruction.

The most strange of the keyboard is the key "AGARIC FLY".

Agaric Fly means a type of mushroom named Benitetake Takeo in Japanese.

Benitetake mushrooms may cause intense hallucination symptoms when eating, and next to "AGARIC FLY" there is a key with the word "Trip" meaning "causing hallucinogenic symptoms in drugs". In addition, I do not know whether Mr. Scott, the director of the alien, was detailed about Benitettake.

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