A movie that is said to be "the most strange CM ever" is a big hit exceeding 4.3 million playbacks on YouTube
Italian prestigious football club to which the Japanese national team footballer Keisuke Honda belongs "AC Milan"And the Audi Supercar"R8"The soccer player who will race in the streets of Milan has a overwhelmingly disadvantaged race movie on YouTube, too much talk or too much content from the comical content and topics touched the top 3 Super hits are recorded for less than a week with over 4.3 million views.
AC Milan vs. Super Car by TOYO TIRES - YouTube
A movie starts from the foot of a woman walking on a stone pavement
A sexy woman holding a ball heads to AC Milan player and R8.
On behalf of AC Milan, four people, Ricardo Montrivo, Jeremy Menes, Adil Rami, Honda Keisuke, were invited from the left.
In contrast to black R8 one seems to compete against AC Milan's people, what will we start from now on ...?
And a referee-like lady wins the ball
Then the race began with the whistle blowing
Burn out and start departing R8
AC Milan players will run and chase this
I can not win even though I run, so I pass the ball quickly and chase R8
It runs on a cobblestone covered with stone pavement that can be said to be a bad road compared to the Japanese public road R8
Is the tire good?
Montrivo players and Menes players push through with a splendid dribble in the crowd
It's too fast ......
I also look back on my uncle Dandy
Unusually Menes pass passes!
Before that, I am not an athlete of AC Milan but an aunt ... ...
Showing a brilliant heading, as expected, a resident of the city of football
Rami players who took the ball next
Somehow dribble splendidly on the roof
"I can not believe my eyes !!" (A sighting sight)
In contrast to R8, we showcase brilliant drift in a narrow urban area
"It is this tire that boasts the grip power of the threat that supports this drift!"
Milanese citizens also cheer for this
Rami player who was dribbling lonely on the roof
It was brilliantly pulled by R8 ....
Pass to the next player
At such timing R8 stepped on the accelerator ......
Show off guy and big jump
The grandfather and the dog also plucked the mouth
It was the trap of the rami player's path ......
Montolivo, throwing into helicopter kissing and countering R8
Milan fashionable girls are exploding joy in this amazing form
Running down the street R8
Speed is too far for beautiful woman's skirt Hararari
Looking from the side
AC Milan player also passes sideways at a tremendous speed if he loses to R8
Behind behind a beautiful woman who says "Already!" ......
People appearing from the shadow of the newspaper
It was a woman who first appeared. Presenting a yellow card with a stiff expression, striking with the appearance scene
Although it is R8 which was skipping lightly in the city ... ...
Sudden braking
Show off a splendid abrupt stop
It seems that the duck stopped suddenly because the duck was a parent and child crossing the road
People around us cheers as well
Even a family who was watching TV in a living room got posing
And here is the goal point
The older sister who was issuing a yellow card while reading the newspaper at the cafe, seemed to have been looking forward to the goal
Are you ahead of AC Milan or R8?
Honda players who finally got the pass
Shoot exquisitely as it is
Which one won! Is it?
When I looked at Replay, I found a totally coherent pattern
To this is a great cheer from the citizens of Milan who just said "What a cowardly!"
Lastly the drivers of R8 and the members of AC Milan praise each other's good fight
And here is the word "Toyo Tire". This movie is a Japanese tire manufacturer "Toyo Rubber Industry"The exclusive tire brand of"Toyo tire"Toyo Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. is a commercial with AC Milan in April 2014Premium sponsorship agreementIt was revealed that it was a commercial movie realized by tying the image.
And finally the driver takes off the helmet, but its identity ... ....
So, this movie was published by Toyo Tire who signed a sponsorship contract with AC Milan, but nowToyoTiresEurope YouTube accountThe Italian version has also been released on the above, and this movie has been played more than 500,000 times. So, this movie has been playing 4.8 million times in total around the world.
In addition, overseas media also responded to this movie, British Mirror said, "AC Milan made the most strange CM that I have ever made in the football related advertisement" "It is a terrible commercial, but the value I see twice "" Why is Montrivo, the captain of AC Milan, better at acting than a professional actor? "" Why was a woman whose skirt turned like Marilyn Monroe issued a yellow card? "" Duck's road crossing "Why did the cheering happen?" Likewise, British Metro has commented on the movie "I do not know the meaning even by looking at times" and "crazy advertisement".
AC Milan have made the weirdest football advert ever - Mirror Online
AC Milan make seriously weird football advert to to promote tyres | Metro News
Official Toyo Tire account on YouTubeAlthough the movie was uploaded on November 11, 2014, and only 18 days have passed since then, the number of movie playbacks has exceeded 4,300,000, and even during article writing Gungun play As the number of times is increasing, it may be said that it was quite a big success as a CM that aimed at increasing the name recognition.
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