I want to fly Zero Battle in Japanese sky, "I have seen the Zero Fighter II who went home with enthusiasm of the owner
There are currently only four aircraft that can fly in the world, three of which are owned by overseas individuals and museums. In such a circumstance, it is said that Zero Fighter Type II which finally came true with the enthusiasm of the only Japanese owner, "I want to fly a zero game in the sky of Japan" is currently being exhibited at Saitama Super Arena I went.
Zero Fighter Satellite Project

Zero Battlefriend Memorial Exhibition! | Zero Fighter Satoru Project

The exhibition hall isSaitama Super Arena

When we arrived there was a great queue in front of the main arena. this is"Musical "The Prince of Tennis" Concert Dream Live 2014"Customers.

"Zero Battlefly Memorial Exhibition" is held at the exhibition hall on the first floor.

This is the entrance to the hall.

Pass through the aisle and enter the venue from the bellows curtain on the right side of the photo.

Suddenly thereZero warfare (zero type ship fighter plane)The body of ... .... The exhibition is Zero Fighter Type II, and the exhibition is divided into three parts: the engine, the front part of the fuselage (body part), and the rear part of the aircraft.

On the side of the fuselage comes the name of the owner, Masahide Ishizuka.

Two 7.7 mm machine guns protruding in front of the cockpit are replicas.

I am about the left wingPitot tube.

You can also shoot the underside of the wing so as to get in like this way.

I can not find a wheel to support the aircraft but this is because the main leg is retractable.

This time it may be thought that the aircraft is a three-part exhibition and looking forward to the appearance as a fuselage, but thanks to splitting & removing the seat, thanks to what happened behind the cockpit It is possible to see whether it is. By the way, it is not the part which is intended to be broken originally, because it is not forcibly cut for transportation, so it is possible to fly once again if assembled.

You can see the instrument, the control stick and the foot pedals lined up. Normally, when such a body is displayed as it is, it is necessary to see from the high place using a stepladder etc. to see inside the cockpit, but there are also pictures that can be seen because it is divided.

It is designed to fold up to about 50 cm of the wing tip. This is to ensure that the wing tip does not hit the aircraft carrier when putting it on the elevator.

This is the rear part of the aircraft.

Like the body part, you can peek inside. One of the aims of Mr. Ishizuka to bring the zero game back home is to see the aircraft that gathered the stylish of the technology at the time with the aim of being the fastest and lightest, so that they know something of the predecessor and receive something from there Because I want it, it is very important to be able to see inside.

Tail number is AI - 112. The horizontal stabilizer has been removed.

I saw the aircraft from the back. The pyramid-shaped stack under the vertical tail is the weight, the underneath is the rear wheel. Since this wheel is also retractable, it is stored inside the airframe during flight.

And this is the Sakae engine that was installed in the zero game.

However, if it is the Zero Fighter Type 22 being exhibited, it should have had Eiji Type 1, but the recovered engine is Eiichi Type 2 which Zero Fighter Type 2 was loaded. Were you replacing the engine in the actual warfare operation or brought the engine of another aircraft when recovering the non-arrival aircraft ...?

Sakae is in a state that it was not in a repairable state, it is kept.

The propeller is also pretty rusted.

Sideways ......

It is possible to look around to the back side.

Alongside Sakae, the engine (R1830) made by Pratt & Whitney company used when flying at the air show is also displayed.

Sakae is said to be affected by this engine, the parts standards of the two engines are the same.

It becomes like this when it is mounted on the aircraft.

In order to return from this split state to this original form, it is said that professional engineers will take about one week with several people.

This exhibition panel can be purchased for 7000 yen per piece.

I asked Mr. Ishizuka, the owner who was in the hall, various stories.

The aircraft being exhibited was discovered and collected in Papua New Guinea in the 1970s. In the 1980s I am a motocross rider and I also like airplanesBob HannerMr. Obtained, it was collected in the museum of Santa Monica. However, since the 1990's, we got the design drawing of the time, Mr. Hunner manager Bruce Rockwood based on the design drawingreverse engineeringConducted. With the cooperation of factories manufacturing and servicing the former Soviet Union fighter Yak series, it took over 380,000 hours for 10 years, and the restoration with the limitless reproduction of the specifications and performance of the active era was completed.
Meanwhile, the current owner Masahide Ishizuka is a flight jacket maker "The fewCEO of. Mr. Ishizuka who is also a writer of air magazine, in 2004 encountered a different set of zero warfare different from this aircraft and wrote an article saying "If it can make it possible to make it fly and go home".
At this time, Mr. Ishizuka received a story from a museum scheduled to be constructed in Japan, "I want you to search for a zero fight as the main exhibition so I want you to find it." Unfortunately the above-mentioned aircraft was in the hands of the current owner, Pacific Aviation Museum in Hawaii, so when I looked for various things, I found a zero game that Mr. Hannah possessed. As a result of the negotiations, the purchase contract was able to purchase the aircraft in 2008, but as a result of the collapse of the Lehman shock, the story of the exhibition in Japan disappeared and there were no sponsors, the aircraft owned by Mr. Ishizuka It is supposed to be put out for lease to a company in Alaska for maintenance and air show participation.
After this, there were several projects that we plan to use this machine, but due to the occurrence of the Great East Japan Great Earthquake etc, it did not work well, because we have limitations to keep keeping it personally, we finally found a cooperation, finally Transported from Alaska, home town was realized.
As mentioned above, the aircraft is split, but since it is only splitting at the splittable place, you can fly if you return to the original shape. We are seeking support from the cloud funding site "READYFOR?" As a reserve fund for domestic flight in the future aiming to "skip Japanese sky" in 2015 when the end of war is 70 years mark .
Vol.1! I want to fly the only Japanese-owned flying zero fight with Japanese sky (Zero warrior owner Masahide Ishizuka) - READYFOR?

The contents of the exchange item changes according to the amount of assistance.
3000 yen:Memorial remembrance file
¥ 10,000:Two items for Memorial Collectibles (mug, clear file)
50,000 yen:Officially recorded (rejected) as a project member, 3 items for remembrance commemoration goods (pin badge, mug, clear file)
100,000 yen:Contents of 50,000 yen + support club entry right (1 year renewal), special offer to annual event, support club flight jacket (The FEW L-B2 jacket)
300,000 yen:Contents of 50,000 yen + support club entry right (1 year renewal), special offer to annual event, support club flight jacket (L-B2 jacket made by The FEW), 4 items for returning memorial goods (calendar, badge, mug, clear file)
500,000 yen:Contents of 50,000 yen + support club entry right (1 year renewal), special offer to annual event, support club premium jacket (The FEW made leather A2 jacket), 5 returning memorial goods 5 t-shirts, calendar, badge , Mug, clear file)
1 million yen:Sponsor contract right (for enterprises), use of this machine copyright (creation of prints, websites, not for sale goods such as image advertisement etc.), support club premium jacket (The FEW leather A2 jacket)
The deadline for the project will be settled on 23th February 4, 2015 (Wednesday), if 20 million yen has gathered.
Mr. Ishizuka is throwing private property in the zero game, home, ranch, boat etc. are all missing for the zero battle, and the limit is coming to maintain individually. At the same time he said that he wanted to let the sky of Japan fly at the same time as feeling that he wanted to see the zero fight that gathered the technology of the time, which is the origin of making things in Japan after the war.
Incidentally, the zero fight exhibition at the Saitama Super Arena will be until November 24. The time is from 9:15 to 19:45 (the last day is 18:45), the tickets are adults 2500 yen, 6-15 years old 1000 yen, 70 years old over 1200 yen (free until 5 years old) So, bringing a leaflet will bring you 300 yen discount. Basically it is a 1 hour replacement system.
Shooting is free, but bringing up equipment is not good. If you want to use shooting equipment such as a stepladder, you will be entering in a photo frame separate from general admission. It enters at 9:15 to 45 minutes and from 19:00 (18 o'clock on the last day) to 45 minutes from the ticket for the photo session (10,000 yen on the day), and there is an opinion that "the ticket is expensive" However, those who participated said that it is popular that "If it is this content, it is convinced that this price will be achieved".

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