I tried eating "tyrant maroonero · eodama-sama taste" in which the taste of the bean is properly tasty like an appetizer

Higashi Hato from tenth month (Monday) related product of tyrant HabaneroTyrant Momero and Eodame TasteWe released it at the convenience store ahead. Tyrant like Habanero It seems like a horse spicy, I enjoyed the taste of rich daddy beans, I bought it and ate as soon as I was able to taste the deliciousness of the beans even in the spicy.

Bean taste added to tyrant's horse spicy! "Tyrant Marmenero / Eodame Taste" New Release

The tyrant mameelo / ehomomi taste is an atmosphere similar to a tyrant Habanero, while the package is pop green while the font and the like designs.

It seems to be perfect for snacks, but the image of "Eadamames × Beer" is strong, so why was not released in the summer a little doubt.

A measure of spicyness is 5,Tyrant Habanero / Hava HillHalf the spicy.

On the back side was written "It's a rich thick bean flavor!"

Raw materials include vegetable oils · corn grits · white corn grits · sugar · salt · red peppers · fish sauce · garlic powder · onion powder · eatmeat powder · green peas powder · cheese powder · white pepper powder · cumin powder etc. It becomes a complex taste by mixing.

Contents amount is 55 grams, calorie is 292 kcal.

I tried opening it and transferring it to a dish, but I did not smell it intensely hard.

Tyrant Mameelo / Eatsumame taste is like a disk shaped UFO, with a hole in the center.

I tried putting my index finger in the hole, but I did not pass.

It seems that he has overcome various troubles and hardships until coming here, and something that is missing.

Looking at the missing surface, it is about the intermediate color of yellow and green.

A reddish powder on the surface.

It is quite painful when I try to eat it with pinballs, but as there is no intense and intense spicy and umami is solid, it is possible to enjoy "tasty" taste as explained. There was no disgusting sweetness to compare spicyness, the taste of eat something was felt firmly, texture was also crispy, so it was finished to draw back. However, since autumn is approaching the end, it seems that seasonal feeling seems to be lacking a bit if it is a taste of taste, so it is a place where judgment can be divided around that.

Tyrant Marmenero / Eimamome taste is newly released from the convenience store preceding November 10 (Monday), and it was sold at an open price of around 130 yen, at a convenience store purchased at 132 yen including tax. In addition, general sales at supermarkets has been on from Monday, November 24th.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log