"Fate (Symphony No. 5)" played with "3 times high-density piano" whose number of keys is only three in the world

The usual piano keyboard is 88 keys, but the piano that packed three keys in one keyboard and made the key three times as high as 264 keys was "3 times high density piano"is. It is a piano that exists only one in the world, and Beethoven's "Destiny (Symphony No. 5)",Franz Listof"La CampanellaWhat kind of sound is born as you play "?

3 times rich "fate" - Story - YouTube

A wooden dimly-lit wooden building that has been restored with silence.

A faded photo taken to see what has been neglected for many years.

The light bulb flashes with eeriness and shimmering.

There is one piano in the middle of the room.

The side of the desk where the candlestick was stood ... ...

Shadow of someone passing by with footsteps "Gee ... ... Gee ...".

Then suddenly the piano began playing alone.

When you close up, you can see that it is a tremendous number of keyboard pianos.

It is definitely a melody of Beethoven 's "fate", but it is playing with a chord of a level that I have never heard of. When the keyboard is divided into three, probably it seems that rough technique of finely dividing the interval of each keyboard into three.

The piano's seat where that familiar music is played is unmanned. Only the keyboard is merely beaten.

The musical score that appeared abruptly.

Three times as much as usual 5 line music, it is dedicated "15 line music".

It should be unmanned, but someone's hand is reflected on the keyboard lid.

It is Beethoven's bust placed in the corner of the room.

In the seat of a piano ringing in an uninhabited room ......

A mysterious man appears when you notice it.

It is probably Beethoven ... playing the keyboard thinner than your finger ...?

Although it is a disgraceful sound overlapping spectacularly, it plays the climax with the resonance of strange danger and beauty.

And a man who disappeared with the final performance.

"There is a mysterious power in tripling."

That's why this "3 times high-density piano" is more than three times more dense coffee "TRIPLESSO (Tri Presso)It was a piano that AGF had created as part of the campaign of "AGF. It is a long-running campaign, but I have built only one 264 key piano in the world where I can really play.

Although fate was a story tailoring, there are several movies that let you listen to only machine performance seriously, and you can listen to the performance of "La Campanella" in the following movie.

3 times transcendental skill "La Campanella" - YouTube

Since the viewpoint of the camera does not change, you can see the keyboard move freely and play the performance.

By the way, on the YouTube official channel of TRIP LESSO, you can also see the performance movie of "twinkle star" "puppy's waltz" "four seasons (spring)" to play with "3 times high-density piano".


in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log