By visualizing the lifestyle patterns by city, it became clear that 'the Japanese are the least sleeping in the world'

There are cultural differences depending on the country, and Japanese people are said to be ' overworked ' even from a global perspective, but Jawbone, which sells wearable devices 'UP ' and ' UP24 ' that collect life logs, analyzes the data. As a result, the lifestyle patterns of each city, such as bedtime, sleep time, wake-up time, city activity, and differences between weekdays and weekends, were clarified.
In the City That We Love --The Jawbone Blog
◆ Sleep time
・ Cities with the shortest sleep time: Tokyo / Japan (5 hours 44 minutes)
・ Cities with the longest sleep: Melbourne / Australia (6 hours 58 minutes)
◆ Bedtime
・ City with the earliest bedtime: Brisbane / Australia (22:57)
・ Cities with the latest bedtime: Moscow / Russia (0:46)
◆ Wake-up time
・ City with the earliest wake-up time: Brisbane / Australia (6:29)
・ Cities with the latest wake-up time: Moscow / Russia (8:08)
◆ Number of steps
Most walking city: Stockholm / Sweden (8876 steps / day)
The least walked city: Sao Paulo / Brazil (6254 steps / day)
The data for each city shows the culture of each country, such as early to bed and early rising in Australia and late to bed and late rising in Russia. You can see that the people of Tokyo have the shortest sleep cycle in the world.
◆ Lifelog visualization data by city
・ New York / USA

The blue part represents sleep and the red part represents walking. The darker the color, the more people sleep and walk, and the people of New York start waking up around 6 am, and most of them start their activities by around 9 am. Many people are busy from 10 am to 7 pm. It is a life cycle in which sleep starts around 22:00 and most people sleep at 1 o'clock. However, it seems that there are many people who are active until late because the red color extends during the midnight hours on every day. The average sleep time is 6 hours and 47 minutes, and the average number of steps is 8704.
·Tokyo Japan

People in Tokyo start to wake up around 5 o'clock, but many people are still active even at 23:00, and the life cycle is 'late to bed and early to rise'. Since there are many activities around 8 o'clock in the morning, you can imagine the world-famous 'sushi-packed train'. The average sleep time is 5 hours and 44 minutes, and the average number of steps is 8293.
・ Beijing / China

In Beijing, getting up starts around 6:30, which is a little late, but the time when you start going to bed is very similar to the life cycle in Tokyo. The red color is fading, probably because few people are active during the day. The average sleep time is 6 hours and 35 minutes, and the average number of steps is 6991.
・ Madrid / Spain

The people of Madrid seem to be sleeping even at 9 o'clock, and the wake-up time is late. Due to the siesta habit, there are some slightly bluish areas. Perhaps because of this, bedtime is late, and there are people who are active until around 2 o'clock every day, which is a life cycle. The average sleep time is 6 hours and 39 minutes, and the average number of steps is 8117.
・ Dubai / United Arab Emirates
Dubai basically has a life cycle of waking up before 6 o'clock and going to sleep around 11 o'clock, but from July to August 2013, many people are sleeping during the daytime. Become. This is thought to be due to
◆ Statistical graph of life log by city
So, if you integrate these data and graph it, it will be as follows. Around 16:00, Siesta time in Madrid, New York people sleep the fastest except Brisbane, and Tokyo people sleep only 5 hours and 46 minutes. Perhaps because of worship, 10% of Dubai people wake up early in the morning, and somehow Moscow and Dubai people sleep around 10 o'clock. People in Beijing also seem to have a habit of taking a nap in the afternoon.

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