The patent fee paid by Samsung to Microsoft is over 100 billion yen, about 350 yen per machine

ByVernon Chan

Microsoft relies on Android smartphones in August 2014Counter Samsung for payment of patent royaltyHowever, it turned out that the cost of billing Samsung Microsoft sought for $ 6.9 million (about 757 million yen) as litigation information was disclosed.

Microsoft Says Samsung Owes It $ 6.9 M in Contract Dispute | Re / code

Microsoft earns about $ 3.21 from each Samsung Android device sold - Neowin

In 2011, Microsoft and Samsung have signed a cross license agreement for Android device, but in 2013 MicrosoftAcquired NokiaAs a result, Samsung has refused to pay the patent fee as a "cross-license agreement is a breach of contract", and in August 2014 Microsoft filed a lawsuit against Samsung seeking interest payment on suspension period.

Microsoft filed suit against Samsung Electronics, a battle outbreak related to patent royalty payment - GIGAZINE

Details such as the amount of claims related to Microsoft's and Samsung's lawsuits have not been disclosed so far, but since the disclosure of litigation information revealed patent fees received by Microsoft, Samsung paid Microsoft for 2013 It has turned out that Microsoft has raised huge profits by the patent business, such as the patent fee of 1 billion dollars (about 109.7 billion yen) in one year. We also know that the interest paid by Microsoft during the suspension period is $ 6.9 million (about 757 million yen).

According to Neowin's published litigation information and Samsung's Android device sales volume in 2013GartnerAs a result of calculation from the report of Samsung, we estimate that the royalty fee paid to Microsoft every time one Samsung device is sold is $ 3.21 (about 350 yen).

ByJohn Karakatsanis

Serve as deputy legal counsel for MicrosoftDavid Howard"We are confident of success in this case," he said. The full text of the lawsuit can be read from the following.

Microsoft v Samsung Unsealed Suit

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log