The RSS reader "livedoor Reader" will be closed to service, about 8 years and a half in history

"It is a livedoor reader that we have been offering since April 2006, but this time we will terminate the service in December 2014," and as a RSS leader, for the time being, Livedoor's technical strength at its lightness and high speed He was showing the height of "Livedoor Reader"Will end on 25th December 2014 (Thursday).

【Important】 livedoor Reader Notice of termination of service | livedoor Reader Development diary

In the official blog above, OPML format export method is explained.

Also, how to move to "feedly" is shown.

Besides that, starting with commentary on how to use "basic way of using feedly", such as "make layout like LDR", "use shortcut keys", "how livedoor Reader users do not feel uncomfortable It is written focusing on "whether you can migrate," and it is content that feels a concern that existing users can use properly.

In addition, when other net service / web application system closes it is simple in many cases "export method is kore, afterwards somehow managed by myself" method, there are many cases to throw it easy, It is a very unusual case to explain from method to usage.

◆ October 24, 2014 17:34 Addendum

"I recently announced the withdrawal of service termination livedoor Reader, but now we have decided to continue the service and transfer management to Dwango Co., Ltd." A new progress has been reported from the official blog of Livedoor Reader It was. The details associated with the transfer will be announced again as soon as it is decided.

【Important】 Notice of Continuation of Service and Management Transfer | livedoor Reader Development Diary

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse