I ate Sanitian's "Halloween Cake" shaped Jack Lantern

When the Halloween season comes Krispy cream donutsJack Lantern's DonutVarious Halloween conscious candies will be sold, but Circuit de Ice Cream also has an ice cream cake with Jack Lantern as a motif from September 26 (Friday)Halloween cakeWe are on sale. As I had an impact on the appearance, I bought it and ate it.

Topics HOME> Topics> Wonderful Halloween

Arrived at the Sanity One Ice Cream.

Appeal new items even in front of shops.

I went into the store and went to checkout.

Although Halloween cake (2600 yen including tax) was not placed in the showcase, it received an order.

Currently in the campaign, I can withdraw 1 lot per 300 yen, so I drew 8 lottery, but I did not win one. Maybe it is something that does not hit it easily.

I will write a name message to Choco for free so please try it.

With dry ice in, I brought Halloween cake to the editorial department and went home.

With a candle and a message card.

I opened the box and it contains dry ice.

Get out of a big box ... ...

When opening it is like this. The face of Jack Lantern is reproduced.

I got a chocolate plate attached free of charge so I wrote "Gigazine".

The face of Jack Lantern seems to be made of chocolate and chocolate cream.

The part of the foot is made of chocolate flakes and the pretty devil's chocolate.

You can see from the back that you are doing a dome shape.

I feel pretty because it looks cute, but I decided to cut it because it is food only.

Cuties and cookies & vanilla and pumpkin pudding ice creates layers in the middle.

I try to eat it in dishes.

Ice cream is a combination of ice cream that tastes of pumpkin tastes with a crisp texture of chocolate · faint feeling. Both pumpkin and milk fat are not rich in taste, they are finished in eyes.

The pumpkin 's color is slightly darker outside, but the pumpkin taste was not intense.

Because it contains caramel sauce, it has a bitter taste and good accent.

The part of the glue is made of cornflakes and chocolate, you can enjoy the crisp texture.

Halloween cake is sold for a limited time until October 31 (Friday). It is a dish that seems to be pleasing if you bring it to a party etc. There are a lot of amounts so it seems better to have at least 4 people gathered and eat.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log