Twitpic avoids service closure at the last minute, the survival is determined

On September 25, 2014, suggesting pressure from TwitterTiwipic announced that it will close the serviceAnnounced that it would avoid service closure at the last minute.

"We're happy to announce we've been acquired and Twitpic will live on! We will post more details as we can disclose them"

According to Twitpic's official Twitter account tweet as mentioned above, Twitpic will be acquired and it has escaped the closure of the service. We are announcing the details as to why the Hakuba knight who puts his hand on Twitpic's dilemma is what it is.

Twitpic said, "We have troubles with Twitter over trademark rights, but we decided to close the crying service because we do not possess legal competing resources", so after the acquisition the court with Twitter Whether there is a struggle, Twitpic's attention is focused on the future direction.

◆ October 27, 2014 09 hours 51 minutes 20 seconds added
By agreement with Twitter, it is announced that the service will be continued for the time being.

Twitpic announces the continuation of service again, but to this the real final chapter

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log