The iPhone 6/6 Plus' s launch schedule for the Apple Store's heavy congestion will be like this
ByDavid Sandoz
"IPhone 6"When"IPhone 6 PlusSeptember 19, 2014 which is the release date of "I'm getting closer to everyday. At the Apple Store around the world, people already in line are caught and it is showing excitement towards the release date, and it is expected that the queue will grow by the release date further. Within a few days until the release date,9to 5MacGot a calendar showing the operation on the day of release of the iPhone 6 · iPhone 6 Plus of the Apple Store and disclosed its details.
This is Apple's retail store gameplan for iPhone 6 / Plus launch | 9to5Mac
According to 9to5Mac, the iPhone 6/6 Plus arrives at the Apple Store in various parts of America early in the morning of September 17th. The Apple Store seems to keep 4% of the arrived iPhone 6/6 Plus separately from inventory so that it can cope with the exchange due to defects immediately after opening.
At around 5 o'clock on the day of release, Apple employees carry out a mild questionnaire to those who are building a queue and at the same time divide the queue into two, "Buy without reservation" and "with reservation". After that, to those who wish to purchase on the day without reservation, a digital ticket "Reservation PassDistributed ".
"Reservation Pass" is a new system that allows people lined up to receive a reservation card by SMS or e-mail, return the desired number of products / number, and leave the matrix until contact from the Aplle Store comes. People's reservation cards will be dealt to those who do not have cell phones or smartphones on the day of release.
At 8 o'clock, a high touch by the staff that became the annual Apple Store was held, and the entrance began. People who are in line will be ordered to Genius Bar in turn and will do the checkout. Personal set up that professional staff will help setup is done on the day of release date, but Genius Bar seems to be compatible only with iPhone 6/6 Plus until the queue settles down.
Many people make rows every year "Apple Store GinzaAbout 40 people are lined up at 10 o'clock on September 16.
Apple Store I started to line up in the Ginza queue!About the 40
- Dai 2 (@ 432 daiki)2014, September 16
September 16 The morning line is like this.
The Ginza Apple Store row got a little longer than last
- Hiramichiro (Hi HoshiRo)2014, September 16
Please note that in the Apple Store New York Fifth Avenue store there is a bunch of people lined up from August 31, 19 days before the release date, and the circumstances occurred that 260 thousand yen took over the place.
People who start to line up before the announcement of "iPhone 6" appeared, the first in the queue was trading at about 260,000 yen - GIGAZINE
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