Headline news on 20th August 2014

Morinaga Milk Industry "Pinot tasting malonWe will announce to release the limited time from September 1. Malon ice cream made with Italian marron paste and chestnut sauce is coated with mild milk chocolate, the price is 120 yen per tax.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

Self-driving cars will occupy 75% of passenger cars in 2035 - GIGAZINE

Why Blackberry dropped market share from 50% to 3% in only 4 years - GIGAZINE

"Papers, Please" game becoming immigration inspector and defending passport and terrorists and protecting family members - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
Greece vs Japan, east and west erotic myths / classical confrontation second race ~ "Orchid roots taste semen taste" is true? - Togetter Summary

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Gamera 2 I will post a scientific study written in the Legion attacking broadcast memorial brochure.

Parasitic infection improves atopic dermatitis - Gunma University certifies | My Navi News

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Hiroshima torrential rain: "Dangerous residential area" Civil engineering conference warns - Mainichi Newspaper

Painful news (No ∀ `): Miki Watanabe, tears of impression" A women's clerk in Cambodia (40 yen per hour) gifts me for the first salary "- Livedoor blog

Citigroup considering selling business for individuals in Japan = Relations source - WSJ

Hacking from the US hospital system to China, 1 patient information leakage photograph for 4.5 million people International News: AFPBB News

New National Stadium Plan a surplus of 300 million yen per year NHK News

Skymark and Air Asia all deny the skipping article of the "Nikkei?" Newspaper, but why only the stock price fly as it is: Market situation Kabu full force 2 stories

Old East German nuclear power plant waste furnace Lupo: "nuclear waste" 24 years unresolved - Mainichi Newspaper

Analyzing JR Kyushu and JR Hokkaido | Issues of the Japanese Economy Understanding Komiya Ichinose's Accounting | Toyo Keizai Online | Business Site for New Generation Leaders

Do not repeat the tragedy for 15 years after the Yamakita / Genkura River accident |

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Full view of Haneda access total, JR New Line 3 route | Nikkei BP company Kenplatz

Haneda tie JR Shinkansen, considering opening up in front of the Olympics Shinkiba direction route: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Kyoto City and JR West to "Umeitsuji New Station" Review Meeting Conclusion next January Conclusion: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

【AV】 · "I do not know SOD's cheering songs !! What is this !!": The indigenous Republic blog

Manatee drowns in a zoo at France 1 photo International news: AFPBB News

Entrance examination to measure motivation, 70% of universities are difficult to see Asahi Newspaper · Kawajuku survey: Asahi Newspaper Digital

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications | Please note the website that imitated the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications website!

ASCII.jp: Restored to the Big Data Age? IBM releases USB-connected tape drive

Details of the attack by this hacker - EmEditor (text editor)

I checked the IP address that could possibly be infected with malware when updating EmEditor - piyolog

Performance tuning lag pattern of smartphone browser game - latest log

I will explain the circumstances about the Petit Fire in the last few days ... "Nearly Daily Yoshida Australia" series 157
↓ The matter of ▼
Nico Breaking News: Author Yoshida Australia criticized Yokoyama Green with a talk event and outbreak of intense "Person who continues talking about things not interesting at a paid event" - livedoor Blog (blog)

Until you can take pictures with writing and retouching. [Making] | studio 9

Black Hat 2014: Attacks on aircraft, trains, car | Want to tell the thought of Save the World? Kaspersky Official Blog

Researcher at Kaspersky Lab, Roel Schouwenberg, showed the concept of Black Hat in the Post PC era at Securelist's report. Meanwhile, Threatpost's Mike Mimoso (Mike Mimoso) also shows the same way of thinking. Mimoso wrote in his own article that "firmware is the new black hacker, everything from USB memory to home routers and cars is subject to exploit, data theft, privacy infringement".

As a conference attendee, this is big news. This is because there are few known sessions on software platforms that are largely unknown, primarily for large enterprises, which means that there will be more stories about the vulnerability of systems that are close to everyday life. On the other hand, shifting the focus of Black Hat also reflects a worrisome trend. Security vulnerability creeps up to our nearest point in our lives.

Surface Pro 3 memo - as if it were miscellaneous sites

820 (Yahoo) 's special project "Because there is a mountain there" - Yahoo! JAPAN Marketing solution

LINE Additional measures by taking over hijack NHK News

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Mecca Group: Watchers

【Caution aroused】 Damage Report by Bag Production Company - Togetter Summary

Inside AdWords - Japan: Announcement on similar patterns of exact and phrase matching keywords

【Doujinshi Kanko Kaikai】 The enemy of a circle participant? About Talking about Togetter Summary

Cosplay related sensation that occurred in the summer comics -2014 Summer: Usu Chihuahua: Travel and monster building

Self-defense on the side of the layer that you do not want to be taken is also important, but it seems to be meaningful to people of type who are feeling pleasure in the act itself of taking on the contents of the skirt no longer as wearing bloomers as wearing spats in the skirt There is not, and even if measures are taken, when the person trying to take in the skirt comes out layer side is disgusting very much.

Actually, as a background to this problem, there is a line that "preparation for cosplay deregulation, but self-responsibility, staff not intervening" came out last year. I feel that the negative side is over.
Following the original, from the c80 of the summer of 2011, we shifted to the "regulate behavior rather than things" policy, allowing props that were less than 30 cm long to be within 2 meters in width 1 meter and exposure measures "chest "Up to 1/3" "Recommended for wearing stockings and tights" is not a prohibited matter of what you are doing.
And last summer from c 84 in 2013, the "cosplay consultation office" which had been checking and giving guidance on the degree of exposure and safety measures in front of the changing rooms until now has finally been gone.
In fact, no matter whatever you do, it has become a situation without fault.

Once a layer appeared trying to show off the panchira and burning a photographer, the staff found it quickly and cautioned, but there is no such guidance anymore.
Once, even if it is in the shooting area, even if you are trying to steal the inside of the skirt from the blind spot, the capturing scene that a group of elite staff members rushed immediately and was taken to the packing place was a specialty, but this is also not.
In the past, in the situation where the enclosure became large at the time of shooting and the layer could not move, the staff took the count and ended it temporarily, but there is no more this scene except for the closing time of the shooting area.

Animation reminiscent of "Music is an Awesome Anime"

◆ The 107th cheerful comedy coming brightly and pleasantly to the dark "Chi-chan is a bit short" - Akio Furumachi's comic street

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Orient Express Murder Case - Fuji Television

On 16 August 18th August 18th, the Taiki Blizzard of the successful horses passed away. ... - Horse Trust (Specified Nonprofit Organization)

Akihiro Homare died

Giants' unexpected Serieag competition outcome> Giants> Summary Tarou!

"Girls Ace" that appeared in Little League | Pleasant surprise in Akihiko Azuma | Column & Blog | Newsweek Japan Official Site

MLB NEWS: Retired from Adam Dunn wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
"Bayy lease fluffy fragrant Muscat" is on sale | News Release 2014 | Company Information | Asahi Beverage

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Headline news on August 19, 2014 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt