Headline news on September 19, 2013

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From todayTokyo Game Show 2013Is held, but since 2014PS Vita version "Monster Hunter Frontier G"It became clear that the service will be started. This PS Vita version can be played using the same data as the PS3 version, and a world that can be played with PS3 users is also prepared.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

Christ found a mysterious text that might have married Mary Magdalene - GIGAZINE

Clearly 90% of sperm swim clockwise - GIGAZINE

Popular artists that are well-shared on BitTorrent and the top 20 countries downloaded - GIGAZINE

Shooting movie "Shooting The Tube" sliding slide of 400 meter water slider using drainage ditch - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
[Image] I feel bad about questions ww: 2ch Copipe preserved dojo

VIPPER me: Tatsuya Fujiwara "I'm afraid" I'm sorry "Dude" Eh! "Oh!"! "

It can not be helped. Paste the one who derived the copy of Riska · · · Golden Times

If Yoshinoya was Softbank

Japanese IME of iOS 7 evolves with "Genkioko" → "Riku Oko Stick Final Reality Promo Dream": iPhone chan

【IPhone】 Big Wave Survival Confirmation wwww | Otaku.com

"Bankruptcy No" Official twitter of the four seasons murmurs for the first time in 3 years: Market situation Kabu full force 2 stories

▼ I will try to comprehend the dot picture I drew so far with a single size. - 1041 uuu.hateblo.jp

I thought that the great thing was wrong and I thought it was wwwwwwww

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Asahi Shimbun Digital: Front and back keyhole tomb, filling water soul to restore restoration to prevent collapse Saitama - Society

I saw the substance causing dementia! ... Hippocampus "Tau": Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Yahoo! Google search arrest history ... Search for damages: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Possibility to imitate other than two people who are arrested for extortion of "voyeur hunter" + (1 / 2page) - MSN Sankei News

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, National University Faculty 10 thousand people examination of annual salary - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)

Released 60 billion Becquerels per day in the open ocean Fukushima nuclear power plant, researchers report by Meteorological Laboratory - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)

TEPCO looked down on the barrier wall two years ago, concern over how to view excess debt | Reuters

Prime Minister Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants No. 5 and 6 Requested a Decommissioning Reactor NHK News

Asahi Shimbun Digital: Invasion 3 months, a momentary net casino seizure, scrupulous scenario - Society

Directed examination of concrete measures for prime mineral corporation tax reduction NHK News

As for the economic measures, if the consumption tax rate is raised to 8% in next April next year as a law, since a new tax burden of about 8 trillion yen per year will occur, at least the scale which exceeds 5 trillion yen equivalent to 2% of consumption tax Adjustment is proceeding in the direction you want.

Educational Revitalization Conference: Agreement on Introduction of Reachability Test - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

Asahi Shimbun Digital: Nanzenji stop worshiping Subway Tozai line restored night on the 19th Kyoto - Kyoto area

Ocean none prefecture, the reason why this summer water accident accident worst 1: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

City Council party: Osaka's Municipal High Band Music Club played Principal Chen Zhen - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

A household with 50 thousand cars rents in a central detached house, a rapidly growing "vacant house" is a mountain of treasure!

【Linear Chuo Shinkansen】 New Station Local "Chance" A sense of crisis on one concentration of Tokyo + (1 / 2page) - MSN Sankei News

【Linear Chuo Shinkansen】 No waiting room, no shop in ticket issuing machine, improving to a station that is too simple Local MSN Sankei News

Watch appraisal master, caught conspiracy corruption officials in China one after another + (1/2 pages) - MSN Sankei News

A man named "anti-corruption master" by appointing Communist Party senior officials and senior government officials in China's Internet, leading to numerous corruption bureaucratic searches, was detained by Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau by 18th. Several Chinese media such as "Southern City Report" (electronic version) reported. Although the charges are unknown, it seems that it is part of strengthening speech control in the Internet which the Chinese authorities have developed recently.

Toyama region railway, two-story sightseeing train overlooking the view: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Utsunomiya District Court raped daughter anonymously by defendant in protection of victims - MSN Sankei News

"If you are going forward one third more ..." Ambulance Crisis: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

According to the heavy rain caused by Typhoon No. 18, some of the Narutaki Bridge (about 27 meters in length) on the Yumikuri River in Keihoku Shimoyashi Town in Kyoto City, Ukyo-ku collapsed and the ambulance passed immediately after the collapse dropped I understood that it was supposed to be.

There is a photograph, it certainly is just barely.

【Kansai's argument】 Cold vocational school ... "Tattoo withdrawal trial" "Court judge" 2nd trial to school "losing" (1/4 page) - MSN Sankei west

Stealth machine is visible to the full development of technology ... Ministry of Defense: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Is it a lemon drink that makes people relieve or a warm lemon drink? | Intellectual Property Law and Business

Painful news (No ∀ `): 【Image】 Topics on School Lunch in America is Miserable - Livedoor Blog

Woman "I want to marry a man with annual salary more than 40 million" → JPM president refuted: It was awesome

First of all let's admit that there are cases where performance is improved by introducing corporal punishment - ← Zizho

VIPPER me: 80% female "Man must prepare eyebrows" long, thick, falling eyebrow guy NG

Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: 【viewing attention】 Super girls' pants Once they were identified they got banned wwww - livedoor blog

The counterattack of the "fat" woman began, the body style standard of the United States began to change

New York Fashion Week which is one of the four great collections of the world. A "historical" collection was announced at the big fashion world event held in September.

It is a "large women's" brand, which is named "Cabiria" and targeted to women of size 12 or more (Japan size 15 or more).

In the mainstream of fashion designed with thin ladies in mind, the model in which the weight of 80 kg or more walks the stage quickly took the cheers from the whole country. It was the first time in history that clothing for women larger than the standard was introduced in the New York collection.

Asahi Shimbun Digital: Municipal kindergarten childcare fee, raising price to the private level Ashigara mayor's intention - politics

VIPPER me: buy a pot first and buy a pot. The taste is different. Then, please boil chicken, Chinese cabbage, tofu, mushrooms, cod, boil and eat with ponzu.

The difference between people with annual income of 30 million yen in their 30s and ordinary people was in "reading volume" People with annual income of 30 million yen read 38 times as much as ordinary people

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
【Winning Group】 iOS 7 Festival Venue 【Lose Group】 | Under World

Learn marketing at the prestigious MBA school, Wharton | Flower blooming in color? Hibiscus?

NHK 's Close - Up of Broadcasting on September 17 yesterday was "The Free Spread Online Course" was the theme. It was very interesting to see what I was watching and recording. It seems that this kind of on-line lecture is attracting attention worldwide now called MOOC. (MOOC is an acronym for Massive open online course (Large Scale Online Course))

Adobe, Kawagoe chef official recognition retouch king championships and other special site "Create Now" is released | Adobe.com

Amazon Web Services Blog: 【AWS announcement】 Amazon CloudFront supports wild card of CNAME

Inside AdWords-Japan: The name of "search query" changes to "search term"

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Why does "rice terrorism" have destructive power ?? Shozumi Tsuchiya's one-time nature of food and sharing technology | POYO NET?

Pictorogica Final Fantasy | SQUARE ENIX

Imamas Channel | NAMCO BANDAI Games official website

A love song to a flight airman | January 2014 broadcast started!

Painful news (No ∀ `): Korea" Doraemon, Captain Tsubasa, Keio is the stage and Korean is the stage, characters are Koreans "- Livedoor blog

The active manga editor chooses, "The manga inspired by the past year" is No. 1! - Golden Times

67: Menma (Osaka): 2013/09/18 (Wednesday) 23: 54: 43.41 ID: MIuZAMDf 0
With this one year

Textbooks of eroge history history if it is supposed to be created absolutely: things

Theater opened at the site of 'Sati Toho' Gainax | Nihonkai newspaper Net Nihonkai

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Leisure person \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News: Letter written by Tanaka to Hamada wwwww - Livedoor blog

64: Wind blowing if nothing: 2013/09/17 (Tuesday) 21: 58: 19.79 ID: fM2aqRz8
Ideal boss 1st place inevitable

MLB NEWS: Japanese major record held by Nomo Hideo

Painful news (No ∀ `): Hikaru Utada" When the mama's coffin, the press fell in front of the hearse and photographed me, it was a blasphemy against the dead "- Livedoor blog

Is it almost impossible for filming Shinkansen movies? Phantom Shinkansen location, behind the scenes | RBB TODAY

The primary reason why shooting is difficult ... It is influenced by the shooting scale and the shooting operation. Moreover, even for the same bullet train, the policies will differ depending on the railway company.
"The Tokaido Shinkansen jurisdiction of JR Tokai has no permission to shoot movies or dramas.JR East and JR West have departments that will accept shooting and will not hinder the operation However, there are cases where there are restrictions on the number of people (about 15 people or less) and equipment (only for cameras, lights are battery lights only), and restrictions are imposed on places where shooting is possible (Tokyo station is NG) Of course, there are restrictions on the shooting content (vandalism of the Shinkansen, murder in the train, etc.) ".

"A scenario of a promised story development that tends to be a Hollywood movie"

Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: Kawagoe chef comments about the picture wwwww - livedoor blog

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Seiyu releases rose wine etc. from "Oak Leaf wine" series of 398 yen

New style appeared from tube type yoghurt "meiji Yoplait Gurut!" Popular among children! "Meiji Yoplait Gurut! Mashishori no Ichigo Chocolate" New Release

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Headline news on September 18, 2013 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt