Headline news on August 15, 2014

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:00 Aug 15, 2014, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Television Animation"Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikersAbout 7 years from the end, "Lyrical Nanoha" series TV animation new work (4th film) "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha VividIt is clear that it is produced.

"Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Vivid" is a story with Vivio that appeared in StrikerS as the main character, a work serialized in "Monthly Compress Ace" from May 2009. As the time axis, CD drama depicting Strikers' 3 years later "StrikerS sound stage X"And set three years later as the stage"Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force(During the daughter TYPE series in April 2009) and is positioned as the 4th series with Force.

Regarding animation, at the moment it is said that the official website is open and announced as "decision to TV animation" and that the catch phrase is "Next Generation Writing Style Fighting Magical Girl I'm doing my best.That it is. Where's the point about when the broadcasting time will come and what will become about "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The MOVIE 3rd Reflection" that draws between A's and StrikerS, which will be produced as the third movie?

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

I ate "Staple food" which stamina adheres so much as eel - GIGAZINE

Will walkable sleeping bag "Humanoid Sleeping Bag" really be able to withstand cold weather Experiment with a freezer car - GIGAZINE

Android users reveal that they are purchasing more applications than iPhone users - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
LINE Result of inverse detection of the address of a moisturizer wwwww: Jajasetta

Old Hompe "Killiban's stepping away is prohibited.": Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News - Livedoor blog

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346: If the wind blows, it has no name. @ \ (^ O ^) /: 2014/08/14 (Thursday) 10: 37: 11.60 ID: 7a5bG + m5.net
>> 66
The sight is floating and we are grass anymore

Mr. Masayuki "My program, it would have been boring" to tell the children: Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
News - Ancient World - New species of Pterosaurs, mass fossil discovery in Brazil - National Geographic official Japanese site (Nasojio)

About half of children's learning ability is determined by DNA? | Slashdot Japan Science

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
70 years after the war: figures are seen in data to testify The Pacific War (1) - Mainichi Newspapers

[The core of the shock incident] The girls were dragged into "hell" ... Shabuke pickuke → prostitution, the girls 'girls' "Malignant prostitution cases in recent rare cases" (1/4 page) - MSN sanma west

Shabu-shabu "Kiso Road", Matsusaka beef etc. fake 7 thousand meals 3 shops: Asahi Shimbun Digital

When being attacked by a molester How far is "self defense" OK? Even if a finger of a hand is folded, it is "legitimate defense" | lawyer dot com topics

NHK, STAP problem examination program, composed of Mr. Ozo Mr. Fabrication theory as "fabricated" or crashed arguments, violation of laws and regulations | Business Journal

Painful news (No ∀ `): 【Sasebo girls murderer】" Do not put girls in criminal trial "~ Citizen groups and others cherish request book" Recovery "is important - Livedoor blog

Osaka · Sumiyoshi Mayor: At suddenly "pretending to die" children's surprises - Mainichi Newspapers

Ebola thermogenic rice doctor, anticipated hospital discharge from the US Assistance organization photo 1 international news: AFPBB News

"Leasing rules" to clear rental trouble Reconstruction of the original state of the civilization, original draft of the legal system not including secular change + (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
An adult daughter went to the court on immediate and renamed. My daughter "Do you know the pain that kept the name corrected for 20 years?: Kokoku chan

Hideyoshi's 'Golden tea room', reproduced model in Kansai: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Keitai shop clerk but Mendoksai customers gift: leisure time (^ o ^) / breaking news - livedoor blog

Like a time slip to a small beach in the Showa era! - ICHIROYA's blog

Painful news (No ∀ `): Dr. US medicine warns" to die prematurely "when eating instant noodles - Livedoor blog

NHK Special 'Tweet about crazy battlefield periry' - vanacoral's diary

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
[Review] Verify the possibility of 4K adult movies to Maji (1/5) - Phile-web

Thinking when you want to make a blog once a year - ✘ ╹◡╹ ✘

If in doubt, let's walk around to earn "experience" for the time being - Gururi Michi.

Is girls high school student tweeting the talk screen of LINE? - Week Ass PLUS

IPv4 route exceeding 512 K, the possibility that the network will fail with "512 K" problem |

[Sad news] Persons who will not start up due to Windows update in August. Blue screen goes out: IT bulletin

About loss of personal computer in which user information of community site is recorded | 2014 | Notice |

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* Credit card information is not registered at the community site

HDD with 5 TB capacity is actually sold for 20,000 yen, made by Toshiba (○ ○ ​​found during the interview) - AKIBA PC Hotline!

Second loach fund raising - happy search?

Notes seen when you are addicted to the network settings of Amazon EC 2 (Linux) | Developers.IO

How to make "cheap" Wifi with 750 devices

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
TV anime "DOG DAYS" Official Site

"DOGDAYS '' 3rd stage tizor announcement PV - YouTube

【C86】 Comike staff unlicensed consignment gun chan goods sale → flames 【ship this】 # C86 # ship this - Togetter Summary

【Sad news】 HUNTER × HUNTER makes it easy to find out that there is no specification for escape

50 questions to Yui Kumakuma "ring of voice actor" 【25th】 | Da Vinci news

C86 "Drunken girls presents Professor Musumi's incandescent sake program" announcement - soy sauce handbook

RWBY comic market 86 PV - YouTube

TV Anime "Book Store in Denki Street" PV 1st - YouTube

【PV】 TV anime "Hello !! Kinro Mosaic" 1st PV - YouTube

"Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow Vol.1 Saint Toron's Thunder" PV 2nd volume - YouTube

"Aldnoa Zero" episode 7 preview video - YouTube

TV anime 'Coffin' s Chaika AVENGING BATTLE 'Early PV - YouTube

"Aldnoa Zero Original Soundtrack" All songs listen PV - YouTube

"Onene Licking Not Jam !!!!" / "Nogomi @ Kan This Plain" Manga [pixiv]

"Summer comic books preface" "Battleship Kirishima's last term" "/ Takeshi Nogami's manga [pixiv]

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
"Broadcasting" theatrical version official website

Crustacean immobility record Lobosan: Program information: TV Tokyo

World dancer Silvi Giem to retire NHK News

Tsuboi retires from work "puts the bat at will" - Sponichi Annex baseball

[Good news] Miura, the 4 straight win! : Nikkan Yakiniku Bulletin

Koi Speed ​​@ Hiroshima Toyo Carpeting Summary Blog: Hiroshima for the first time in 21 years Double headers held in full swing

Buddha players, depriving running shirts just before goal Gold medals deprived European Athletics Championship Photo 9 pictures International News: AFPBB News

[Image] Honesty Fujinami Cool cool well? : What's J Stadium @ N J Summary

Baseball Cat I want to win Fenya Nishiguchi 200

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)

(PDF file)"Snow Brand Hokkaido 100 cream cheese rare cheesecake" released [1418 KB]

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Headline news on August 14, 2014 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt