`` PleaseBreak.in '' to let you know the danger of creating a key from a photo



There is a way to unlock the key locked by picking etc. as there is the word `` breaking the lock '', but the thief no longer needs to polish such technology, just copy the key just by getting a picture of the key It is not well known that can be created. If you posted a photo that clearly shows the key shape on Twitter etc., someone might be making a copy of your home key without permission ... A website that informs you of such danger is ' PleaseBreak.in ' is.

PleaseBreak.in-don't put your house keys online!

“Purchasing a dream home is one of the happiest moments in my life, but if I get stuck in a thief, I do n’t have any original or child. I do n’t know posting my home key online There is a risk that someone can physically make a copy key at a price less than a serving lunch. Think before it's too late. ''

PleaseBreak.in is inspired by websites such as “

Please Rob Me ” and “ Please dont rob me ” that inform you of the dangers of posting with location information such as SNS. It is a website that lets you know the danger of posting photos of your home key to SNS.

For example, if you send a picture of a key taken with a smartphone to 'Keys Duplicated', you can make a copy of the key for $ 4 (about 400 yen) to $ 6 (about 600 yen).

Copy keys online using your phone | Keys Duplicated

Similarly for KeyMe, you can make a copy of a key from a photo in 30 seconds by going to KeyMe Kiosk, which is installed in New York for about 3 to 5 days from a dedicated application .

KeyMe | copy keys and solve lockouts

Below PleaseBreak.in's note, there are a lot of photos of the key 'You got the new house key!'

These photos are automatically collected by PleaseBreak.in. It is a website that lets you experience the dangers of your own eyes and rethink the dangers of the Internet .... If your key is posted, you can get it from SNS If you delete a photo post, it will be automatically deleted.

Posts may contain location information, so if you're a thief, it's like saying 'Please steal your favorite things.' Even if your photos are not posted here, you need to be very careful about the content you post on SNS and the Internet, where you don't know who is watching.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log