New game for Game Boy appears, nostalgia feeling playing on the browser
A portable game machine released from Nintendo in 1989Game Boy"New game developed with emulator"Tuff"Has appeared. "Tuff" developed by a developer called BonsaiDen is said to be playable even on a web browser, so I tried to actually play and tried a nostalgic atmosphere.
Tuff by BonsaiDen
You can check what kind of game "Tuff" is from the following movie.
I tried playing a new game "Tuff" for Game Boy - YouTube
"Tuff by BonsaiDenOpen the page and press "Enter" to start the game.
Tuff is a nostalgic side scrolling action game. "W", "A", "S", "D" on the keyboard correspond to "up", "left", "down", "right" of the four-way key, "X" or "M" corresponds to the A button, "Y" "Z" "N" is the B button.
There was something like a flame in front of my eyes, so I tried touching it but nothing happened.
I also tried hitting the fireball that was falling down in the vertical and horizontal directions, but nothing happened.
If you are going to the right for a while, it reaches the place where it obviously falls. I think I'm going to die?
Even if it falls, it safely landed without dying.
There was never anything to die even if it fell to where there is water like a picture.
I will go forward while jumping Pyeongyeon. You can jump with "X" or "M", if you push it twice consecutively you can jump two steps.
When you find a block with a crack, jump and press "Y" "Z" "N" in the air, it gets bigger ......
You can destroy the cracked block.
Leave directly to the underground stage as it is. It is unknown how big the stage is.
Suddenly I began to fall just in a place without anything, as I progressed to a certain extent.
Even if it goes to the next screen, it falls all the way.
I will keep falling for a while.
I can move only during this time.
At the time I thought that this might be a bug, the starting point was projected. The character being operated is inside the wall at the upper left of the screen.
As you move to the left the stage moves, but still inside the wall.
Move further to the left, it drops and it is successful to escape from the wall.
The ceiling, the floor, the wall arrived at the stage of the thorns star.
I thought "I will not die any more", and when I touch a spider, I fly out and the game is over.
Once you die you will start over from the starting point.
I was wondering if new enemies and bosses would appear, so I tried playing for a while but I did not go as I expected, nor could I clear the stage. Creating a game for Game Boy with an emulator seems to have a high difficulty level.
In addition, "Tuff" can be downloaded in "ZIP" and "TAR" format.
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