It turned out that the earth's magnetic field weakened faster than expected, when is the timing of geomagnetic reversal?
ByNASA Goddard Space Flight Center
The earth hasGeomagnetismStrength has fluctuated over the years, and furthermore in the history of the earth until now, the N pole and the S pole are reversed in the span of several million to 10 million years "Geomagnetism reversalIt is also known that what has happened.European Space Agency(ESA) investigated the state of geomagnetism using a satellite, it became clear that its strength is decreasing at a faster rate than previously predicted.
Earth's Magnetic Field Flip Could Happen Sooner Than Expected - Scientific American
The European Space Agency in November 2013 observes the geomagnetic observation satelliteSWARMSuccessful launch. SWARM, which observes with three satellites in cooperation, has carried out the observation of geomagnetism for about 6 months by circling the altitude of altitude 460 km to 530 km, and it is 10 times faster than what was conventionally anticipated It is clear that the strength of the geomagnetic field is decreasing at the pace "5% in 10 years".
At present, the cause is unknown, but it is expected that it will occur in 2000 years from nowGeomagnetism reversalIt is thought that it will lead to an earlier time of the day. Also, the geomagnetism magnetic pole already movesPole shiftIt is also known that it has been observed from before.
Here is a map showing SWARM observation results. The fact that the area around the Indian Ocean drawn red is the most geomagnetically strong and the periphery of the North American continent is the weakest.

The mechanism by which geomagnetism occurs even in modern science is not well understood, and "the theory that the earth itself is a permanent magnet" and "fluid dynamo theory" etc.Multiple theoriesIs being cast. The geomagnetism expands into outer space, and it reaches the height of the ground surface altitude of 60,000 kmThe magnetosphereAnd has a function to guard the earth from cosmic radiation harmful to organisms such as solar wind.

However, the effect of this phenomenon on organisms such as humans is considered to be limited. Even if the geomagnetic reversal occurs, it is thought that cosmic rays that fall from space do not increase in large amounts. There is no trace of biological mass death due to geomagnetism reversal from the history of the earth so far and it is thought that it is not necessary to worry so much because it is thought that it is limited to electronic devices etc. that are affected. .
In addition, changes in geomagnetic intensity may be used for observation of eruption activities. When the magma in the earth rises and the temperature of the crust rises to several thousand degrees, the rocks in that part disappear by heat, the total magnetic force decreases in the south side of the demagnetization region, and may increase in the north side. Based on this data, a mechanism is used to sense the movement of magma and to detect movement in advance for the eruption.
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