It turned out that Apple's "Beats" appealed to that famous acoustic equipment manufacturer "Bose", what was the cause?

ByJ. H.

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 10:24 Jul 28, 2014, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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"Beats" of headphone maker that Apple bought for about 300 billion yen"Noise canceling" technology used in the main products of audio equipment manufacturersBoseBose has filed suit against Beats as infringing a patent on "noise cancellation" technology of the company.

Bose files lawsuit against Apple's Beats over noise canceling tech

Bose filed a complaint against a district court in Delaware state in the United States that "Beats infringes Bose's patent on noise cancellation technology." Bose also sought to stop selling Beats products infringing on patents, and this action has also been filed with the US International Trade Commission.

According to Bose, it is unclear whether Beats deliberately infringes the patent, but these products obviously infringe Bose's five patent related noise canceling headphones, And that. Infringing a patent, Beats's high-quality headphones "Beats Studio" and "Beats Studio Wireless" are two. The feature of these headphones, "dual mode adaptive noise cancellation" function infringes the patent.

"Beats Studio" is a headphone like this.

"Beats Studio Wireless" is the wireless version of "Beats Studio" as the name suggests.

In addition, Bose is a pioneer of "technology for reducing unnecessary noise by using second sonic waves" and Bose claims to have sold headphones using this technology since 2000, and this technology "Bose QuietComfort 20" is cited as one of the latest headphones packed in.

Bose claims that "due to the infringement behavior of Beats, Bose suffered damage resulting from loss on sales, profits, sales prospects, etc., which is expected to continue in the future" and monetary damages , Beats Studio "infringing on patents and" Beats Studio Wireless "to stop selling.

The complaint filed by the Bose submitted to the District Court in Delaware State can be seen from the following.

Bose v. Beats

in Hardware, Posted by logu_ii