I tried skipping a hand-mounted drone "Rolling Spider" before release

IPhone / iPad becomes a controller quad copter "AR Drone 2"It is a manufacturer ofParrotAnnounced that it will release the ultra compact drone "Rolling Spider" and the ground running robot "Jumping Sumo" in August 2014. Both products are affordable which is less than 20,000 yen,Already reviewedJumping Sumo along with palm-sized ultra-compact drones'Rolling SpiderAs I was able to borrow it, I actually decided to skip the aircraft with my hands.

Parrot's Mini Drones Rolling Spider can run freely from the ground to the ceiling!

What kind of product is Rolling Spider? That means you can check from the following movie.

Parrot MiniDrone Rolling Spider official video

◆ Rolling Spider body
Aircraft of Rolling Spider designed to be low. Four arms extend from the ultra compact fuselage, and a propeller is attached to a super compact motor as well.

I saw it from directly above. The size of the fuselage is 3 cm in width × 6 cm in length and is about the same size as a slightly bigger eraser, the compactness of only 14 cm in the maximum width including the propeller.

In front of the body where sharp eyesight glows literally, baron whiskers were designed for some reason.

Amazing is its lightness. The weight of the aircraft is just as light as 57 grams, and this is the weight of the battery.

The battery to be installed is 3.7 V / 550 mAh type common to "Jumping Sumo".

Right hand drone. It is a surprising compactness.

A motor that raises the aircraft by turning the propeller is a small type with a diameter of approximately 1 cm.

The arm extending from the fuselage is made of highly flexible resin and will absorb the impact.Truss structureThanks to that, the rigidity seems to be secured.

A battery slot and a Micro - USB terminal for charging and data communication are installed in the aircraft tail section.

At the bottom of the aircraft, equipped with an ultrasonic sensor and a camera to measure the distance to the ground. The camera can also capture the landscape just below the fuselage, and it can also be used to detect the speed and direction of the aircraft by processing images at a high speed of 60 times per second.

Huge wheels and axles are set in the package.

When the axle is attached to the upper part of the torso ...

It can be used as a huge tire that also protects the aircraft. With this, there is no problem if it is a little crash.

Even if the aircraft hits a wall or the like, the propeller is easily disengaged, so the danger of hurting the walls and people is low. In addition, it is said that a safety system that automatically stops the motor is also installed when a crash is detected.

In addition, since dressing change stickers of the baron whisker part are included in the product, it was possible to customize to your own specifications.

◆ Pilot application "FreeFlight 3"(Note: because it is the screen before release, it may be different from the product version)
Here is the basic screen of the application that operates Rolling Spider. When you tap "Take off" at the bottom of the screen center, the aircraft will float up and operate the aircraft by operating the left and right rounded point like a joystick.

In addition to "NORMAL", you can choose from "JOYPAD", which is easier to operate, and "ACE" for advanced users. In addition to that, you can also control the performance by setting the maximum altitude, inclination angle and rising speed of the aircraft.

The following movie shows the actual take off and maneuvering various things. Because the movements of the airframe are stable, you can also enjoy the flight if you are in a wider room. When I saw the movie, I heard the sound of the propeller loudly, but in reality it was the level of the level that I can play gamers to a certain extent. However, it does not seem to be wrong to be angry with your family if you fly in the house without any precursor.

Parrot Rolling Spider is an ultra compact drones that let you fly even in the room

The application "FreeFlight 3" will be released sequentially with iOS version, Android version, Windows Phone version. This time I tried flying with iPad Air. When you tap the green "Take off" button at the bottom of the screen center, the aircraft "floats" rises.

When the operation mode is "JOYPAD", raising and lowering the left key changes the altitude of the aircraft up and down.

Move left and right, you rotate left and right with the center of the airframe as the axis.

The right key is responsible for the movement of the aircraft in front, back, left and right.

At the end tap the green button written "LANDING" ......

The landing was completed automatically.

In the movie by the following manufacturer, thisRolling SpiderAnd its brothers "Jumping SumoThe scene where mission is carried out together is introduced.

Parrot MiniDrones Jumping Sumo & Rolling Spider - Connected Toys!

One Rolling Spider placed in a dim room.

Light started and started

The wheel turned and started like a car.

And another one, the appearance of Jumping Sumo to follow after. The two are given the duty to go to the kitchen and take snacks.

The two units leave the room and go to the hallway.

I encounter a pet dog!

A Rolling Spider that floats in the air and avoids the attack of a dog leaning on "Ganga!"

Jumping Sumo has survived this place while the dog is being distressed.

I reached the living room where my family was. But I can not find it.

Using a small airframe, hide under the sofa and move ......

The Rolling Spider pulls off the top of the ceiling.

I arrived at the destination kitchen. However, I can not fulfill my duty by hanging around the floor. Then Jumping Sumo ... ...

Jump strongly!

Further Jump

I will aim at the destination while checking the state of the site on the monitor.

Target discovery! I will start catching work from now.


Only afterwards I will return to the operation base

I am not afraid of dogs anymore.

Safely, I returned home to my brother's room.

It was Rolling Spider and Jumping Sumo (and the brothers who worked for evil) who were able to get snacks.

Parrot mini drone "Rolling Spider" will be released in August 2014. It is scheduled to be handled by Apple Store, home electronics mass merchandisers, Amazon and KYOSHO online shop etc. with tax-included price of 12,800 yen.

in Review,   Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log