Nestle's "Iron Man" plan to develop a machine that makes soilentish food at home

ByKarsten Planz

Nestle is a coffee makerNespresso(Nespresso) has gained a lot of profit, but there is a new research aimed at "to make it possible to take the necessary nutrients using a machine like a coffee maker" It became clear. A new food that allows you to live without eating meat and vegetables "SorrentoAlthough it is on sale, the product that produces Nestle version Soilent is currently under development under the project "Iron Man (Iron Man)".

Nestle Aiming to Develop a Nespresso of Nutrients - Bloomberg

Nestle is developing a Soylent-like "nutrient Nespresso" - Quartz

Currently Nestle is studying the creation of nutritional drinks that can be customized for individuals, such as vitamin D and magnesium. A project called Ironman aims to improve malfunctions related to metabolism, brain, digestive system with foods and drinks, and it is the final stage to develop a machine like Nespresso that will make what the user's body needs It is a goal.

ByMagnus D

"Ironman analyzes and adjusts things that are missing in our bodies and foods.Therefore our food was only food.That we are going a new way "Nestle Institute of Health SciencesEd Baetge said.

It was developed by a software engineer in Silicon Valley to realize the idea of ​​"to take necessary nutrition from foods other than meat and vegetables"Sorrentothere is.

Soyentant thought as a means to solve the food problem, the concept called for a big reaction, but some people say "tasty" as "delicious" as positive impression, some say that "the last bang is really worst" People who lived alone for 30 days for only 30 years of age said, "From time to time it is becoming strange or brain-headed, it may be slightly depressed,New York TimesSometimes reviews as "a taste like a pancake seed" or "a product that is boring and pleasing like some kind of punishment."

It is unknown how Nestle's machine is developed, but at Nestle Institute of Health Sciences, over 100 researchers are currently working on diabetes, cancer-like diseases and vitamin / mineral deficiency It is investigating whether it is related to the Iron Man project, and about 15 scientists are involved in the Iron Man project. Baetge said, "Nutritional foods developed by Ironman are likely to be more effective than general vitamins that are sold at drug stores."

On the other hand, some Nestle researchers have raised doubts that "cost is too expensive to realize a machine." There are machines that actually analyze the missing nutrients of the person from the fingerprints, but it costs 50 to 200 dollars (5000 to 20000 yen) per nutrient, and analyzes all nutrients In conclusion, it costs more than $ 1000 (about 100,000 yen). Although it will cost huge if we try to incorporate the same function in our daily life in the present way, if we do research further in the future, we will be able to "take the necessary nutrients without losing joy of food" It is considered to have enough sex.

ByDennis Wong

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log