The world's first commercially available quantum computer "D-Wave 2" bought by Google will stumble in the performance test, and as a result that the performance is not much different from the conventional computer

Authorized name by Google and NASA "world's first commercial quantum computer ·D-Wave 2As a result of a performance test conducted by a theoretical physicist in Switzerland, it turned out that the performance was not superior to conventional computers. In addition, D - Wave 2 is a market price of 15 million dollars (about 1.53 billion yen).

Defining and sensing quantum speedup

Google's quantum computer just flunked its first big test | The Verge

Performance of quantum computer no more than ordinary PC, say analysts -

In May 2011 "World's first commercially available quantum computer" declared and releasedD-Wave SystemComputer "D-Wave"Although opinions on pros and cons were presented in terms of" whether it is a quantum computer in the first place ", Google and NASA, which had been studying quantum computing for some time, jointly establishedQuantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory(QuAIL) is the 2nd generation D-Wave "D-Wave 2By announcing the purchase of "It must be a quantum computer again!" I was talked about.

However, unlike a general quantum gate type quantum computer, D - WaveQuantum AnnealingIt is specialized to execute at ultra high speed "Combination optimizationSince it is considered to be a device for solving the limited proposition of "It is not intended to execute various programs, discussion remains as to whether it can be called the quantum" computer "as well.

In any case, it is versatile enough to execute any calculation depending on the programNeumann typeEven if D-Wave 2 can only perform specific calculations, unlike computers, as long as performance overwhelming conventional computers is realized in terms of calculation speed, aside from the question of "Quantum computer or not" aside, It was considered as a breakthrough as a new technology.

Due to such topicality D-Wave 2's performance attracted worldwide attention, Dr. Maddis Troyer and his research team, which studies theoretical physics at the Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, and June 18, 2014 Scientific journalScience"The computing power of D-Wave 2 is not much different than that of a conventional computer" was announced.

In April 2013, Dr. Troyer uses D-Wave's first generation machine "D-Wave 1" to examine whether D-Wave can be considered a quantum computerpaperIn this experiment, we received a comparative cluster computer from Microsoft Laboratories in this experiment 503QubitTo solve the random optimization problem 1000 times and compare the calculation time with D-Wave 2, it was not possible to recognize the superiority of the speed performance for the cluster computer, and D-Wave 2 We have not found any evidence showing the expected signs of accelerated quantum computer called quantum speedup. Dr. Troyer said, "Although it is difficult to say" quantum speed up is not occurring ", it does not show better performance than conventional computers."

However, D-Wave uses a technique different from that of a quantum computer common in computers using quantum annealing, and in light of the situation in which studies on quantum annealing have scarcely progressed, there is a lot of room for boiling down machine settings There is also a view that it is sufficiently possible to dramatically increase the computing power while tuning with repeated experiments. Senior vice president of Jeremy Hilton Processor Division at D-Wave System said, "Development of D-Wave is ongoing and there are no limitations on improvements to improve performance, It is possible to realize a performance that overwhelms the performance. "

in Note,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log