What on earth is the most expensive "lottery" in the world?

ByJohn Carleton

Year end of 2013 Jumbo lotteryAt the same time prize prize about 700 million yen was set as the highest prize money ever, the common people dreamed. On the other hand, looking overseas, in May 2013 the highest price ever$ 590.5 million (about 60 billion yen) prizeCame out of the USPowerballThere seem to be lotteries with Japan and so on which cost a lot of prizes. However, although there are guaranteed high prize money more than Powerball in the world, there seems to be "lottery" which sometimes needs to purchase even even life.

The most expensive lottery ticket in the world | Felix Salmon

Inhabitants of Silicon Valley hope that everyone will "successfully" start up and succeed without success. It is said that it tends to be stronger than other areas. Reuters Felix Salmon says, "Because Silicon Valley seems to be so overwhelmingly successful," he says.

Many people in Silicon Valley are working in IT-related companies and I am constantly seeing their own companies and other companies making huge profits. And I have witnessed the founder of the company getting a huge wealth. Therefore, it seems that it is quite natural that I also want to start a business and hope to succeed someday. However, it is only the "extremely limited" success case that comes into my eyes, and since the failed cases are quietly disappearing from the table stage quietly, it will not remain in anyone's memory, as if Silicon Valley succeeds It seems to be like a full world full of things. However, 90% of Silicon Valley startup companies will fail and it is always prone to be forgotten that there are far more failing companies behind success stories.

Silicon Valley has many entrepreneurs who gained fame. Apple's Steve Jobs, Microsoft's Bill Gates. Most people who work in Silicon Valley are those who want to become such legendary successors and are not satisfied with going to the office everyday by being shaken by Google's corporate bus. And, many of the very talented engineers dream of legendary successful people, choose the path of independent entrepreneurs and leave the big company.

ByJoi Ito

However, excellent computer engineers are not always good managers. According to Mr. Salmon, ironically it is ironic, that is, the more excellent it is as an engineer, the more excellent it is to be excellent as a manager. What an excellent engineer is good at is "to solve the problem to be solved before the eyes", but the entrepreneurs most demanded in the chaos at the startup are "talented engineers and Angel investment Ability to attract home, attractiveness "and this is not necessarily acquired by an excellent engineer. If you look at such reality, "Entrepreneur's life is miserable and technicians' lives are full of happiness that can not be converted into money," Salmon says.

ByGilbert Rodriguez

Nonetheless, it is also true that there is great significance in starting a business in Silicon Valley. Because it is realistic to gain huge wealth if you succeed in Silicon Valley. However, that road is a rugged Ibarara way is as stated earlier, which means that instead of being harsh, the consideration obtained is orders of magnitude. In other words, in a sense, entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley should be said to be "like a lottery that can earn great wealth in exchange for a stable salary or a human life," given the size of the return that can be obtained , "It is the lottery that took the biggest prize money in the world".

The amount of money obtained is lowExpected valueTherefore, it is a lottery to say "the best gambling", there are many gambler who make a reversal. It is the Silicon Valley entrepreneur who sometimes throws life as a stake to win in order to obtain the highest prize money in the lottery which is the best gamble. According to Mr. Salmon, however, investors who invest a huge amount of money in "Gamblers" to promote in Silicon Valley are also "gambler". Silicon Valley seems to be said to be the "world's best casino" that attracts such "gambler" people.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log