Apple is developing its own JavaScript accelerator "FTLJIT"

ByTimothy Griffin

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Firefox 29 adopting asm.js has been announced to be overwhelmingly faster than Chrome 34 and IE 11However, Apple has codenamed Safari "FTLJIT"It is now clear that it is developing a proprietary JavaScript accelerator called"


Apple has its own JavaScript accelerator in the works | Javascript - InfoWorld

Apple is Google V8, MozillaSpiderMonkeyTo counterWebKitJavaScript engineNitroWe are working on improving on what we are planning to install in SafariInfoWorldIt reports.

This upgrade engine is called code name "FTLJIT" and it is already available on OS X. However, FTLJIT is not ON in the default state, it is necessary to activate the command line flag, It is said to be in the experimental stage. Note that InfoWorld says Safari's performance using FTLJIT is better than Chrome, but it did not reach Firefox in benchmark test optimized for asm.js.

While the use of JavaScript in Web pages advances and the efficiency of the JavaScript engine implemented by the Web browser has been said to have a major impact on the user experience, the competition for developing web browsers by Apple, Google and Mozilla is likely to intensify .

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log