A study result that the person who restricted the calorie of the meal can live healthier than the eating as much as you like will be announced
As a result of the experiment conducted in the United States for 25 years, it became clear that the person who was subjected to strict calorie restriction decreased the probability of getting sick and can live longer than taking the meal as much as possible.
Monkey caloric restriction study shows big benefit; contradicts earlier study
Study finds monkeys on low-calorie diets live longer, healthier lives | The Verge
America'sWisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC)Divided 76 rhesus monkeys into a group that does not have any food restriction given and a group that imposed strict caloric restriction and compared the disease and mortality rates of the two groups over a long period of 25 years from 1989 We did an experiment to do.
On the left is 29-year old Owen with 27-year old Canto restricted calories and right unrestricted. Although there is a difference of two years old, Owen feels a tired atmosphere more than age difference compared to Canto.

There have been reports that lifespan is extended by 40% by limiting the calorie with small animals such as Daphnia, Flies, Mice etc. In order to investigate whether the same effect does not occur even with a relatively high mammal, this experiment It was done, and the period of 25 years is a survey that was tracked for an extremely long time in the experiments in the USA.
Experiments were initiated with rhesus monkeys aged 7 to 14 years, one group gives as much food as desired while the other group contains the essential nutrients but from the amount normally ingested by the monkeys I gave 30% calorie limited amount of food. In addition, this 30% cut diet is a very strict setting.
The results show that among the 38 monkeys in the group who let you feed as much as you like, 28 died of diseases with an increased incidence with age such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, In monkeys with calorie restricted group, only 10 out of 38 died due to those diseases. To put it briefly,A calorie restricted monkey lived longerAnd that.
This is a graph showing the survival rate of rhesus monkeys in the experiment. As a result that the survival rate is higher in calorie restricted monkeys of graph black lines in both cases of diseases in which the cause of death increases with age (left) and all causes of death (right).

Eating simulation using monkeys until nowNational Institute of Aging Research (NIA)However, there was a report that there was no significant significance of long life due to calorie restriction in that experiment. Dr. Ricky Coleman, co-chairperson of the experiment in the WNPRC experiment that differs from the conclusion of NIA, said, "In the experiment at NIA, 30% of the data on the food intake chart created by the National Academy of Sciences is 30% In our experiments, we examined the amount of rhesus macaques that we wanted to eat and imposed a 30% calorie restriction there from, and in terms of using an adult monkey "When examining the experimental data at NIA, I pointed out that the weight of the monkeys was light compared with the experiments at WNPRC.
Dr. Roslyn Anderson of WNPRC says "Calorie restriction causes reprogramming of metabolism, which affects the energy control capability and the ability of the cell to respond to environmental changes since it is older." . In addition, Dr. Richard Weinrich, the co-chair of the experiment, said, "The calorie restriction experiment proved to be effective even in primates, even after insects and rats. Rhesus macaques that are very close to humans The mechanism by which calorie restriction at long life leads to a long life is worth investigating. "
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