Studies show that the proportion of nutrients you should take to live longer varies greatly with age

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Nutrients taken into the body by the diet have a great impact on human health and, by extension, longevity. A new study published by a research team at the University of Sydney suggests that the proportion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates you should consume to avoid life-threatening may 'change significantly with age.'

Global associations between macronutrient supply and age-specific mortality | PNAS

National supplies of protein, carbs and fats can predict your lifespan

The optimal diet for longevity comes down to this critical factor

Among the nutrients that are indispensable to the human body, lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates are considered to be particularly important because they are the main energy sources, and 'balanced intake is important' when considering health. Has been said.

A new study published by Alistair M. Sr. and colleagues at the University of Sydney argues that the optimal balance of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates for health 'changes with age.' The research team will comprehensively analyze a total of 1879

life tables published by 103 countries, major nutrient supply data published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and gross domestic product per capita. We calculated the ratio of nutrients to be ingested according to age.

As a result, the ratio of nutrients that minimizes the risk of death is 'best to get 40-45% of total calories from lipids, 16% from proteins, and 39% -44% from carbohydrates' under the age of 25. On the other hand, for those 55 years and older, the result was that 'it is best to get 22% of all calories from fat, 11% from protein, and 67% from carbohydrate'.

Regarding this result, Mr. Senior said that this study has problems because it adopted a method of analyzing the supply data of major nutrients, which is different from the 'actually ingested nutrients'. 'It was remarkable that people over the age of 50 should consume a lot of carbohydrates,' he said. We recommended that you move away from the idea of 'reducing fat intake' and 'avoiding carbohydrates' that you see in fashionable diets, and adopt the idea of 'reviewing the overall balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.' ..

The results of the study also point out that while food is in short supply on a global scale, oversupply of fats and carbohydrates increases the risk of death in developed countries.

in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log