What are the elements necessary to get a job at Google?

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GoogleHuman Resources Management DepartmentSVPofLaszlo BockMrNew York TimesIn an interview, I talk about elements necessary for getting a job at Google. It is not essential that "graduating from university" is necessary, it seems that we are recruiting personnel from a different point of view from regular companies.

How to Get a Job at Google - NYTimes.com

In Google, the proportion of employees who have not graduated from university is increasing, and some teams have reached 14% of non-college graduates. Mr. Bock said "GPAIs not as good as employment standards and academic achievement, "he told that he is not a guideline for finding talent capable talent even if he / she recruits personnel based on academic background or grades.

Technical skills such as math, computer and coding are required in many sections of Google. According to Mr. Bock, although the talent with high coding ability is appreciated, the proportion of technical skills the company needs is about half. In working with Google there are five elements required other than technical skills.

First of all, what you need is "Advanced recognition ability". This is not the height of the numerical value of IQ, it is the learning ability, is the rapid processing capability, the ability to put pieces of different information together. Mr. Bock says that it is confirmed by an interview whether it has a high level of cognitive ability or not, and it is effectively confirming whether it is a person capable of predicting the future.

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The second necessary element is leadership, but "as opposed to general leadershipSpecial LeadershipIt is said that it is. In order to ascertain general leadership, "Do you have served as a chess club representative? How long did it take to become the vice president of sales management? How long did it take for that position?" If you ask a question, we do not care about that ability. Mr. Bock puts emphasis on "If you were a member of the team when you encountered the problem, can you step in at the right time and lead you?" Critically speaking, it is said that "Do you go backwards at that time? Are you not going to lead?" Does the other person get it? "As a competent leader faces a problem, all the forces We need to exercise, Google thinks.

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Also, as a third factor to step in the problem "Sense of responsibility"As a fourth element, we acknowledge when another person's idea comes out and can withdraw one step"Intellectual humility"Is required. Mr. Bock says, "With humility it is impossible to learn." In one study, research results have shown that people with successful and successful skills rarely experience failure and can not learn how to learn from that failure, " I talk.

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The fifth necessary element is "Expert knowledge". On the other hand, it is said to be the least necessary element among the five. When considering recruitment as a personnel manager or treasurer's responsible, a person who has high recognition ability, strong curiosity, voluntary learning motivation, special leadership but who does not have expertise and one field If you can only do it but there are people in the field who are the best experts in the world, we usually hire experts. Mr. Bock added, "Mr. Bock may sometimes commit insults from the lack of knowledge, but they sometimes will be able to derive" new answers nobody can think of "anything." I am talking.


Lastly, Mr. Bock said that although the career as a college graduate is not very meaningful to Google, still for many people to learn and go to college is the best way to get the skills needed in the career I talked. On the other hand, however, the background of a college graduate can not be a substitute for ability, and as technological innovation gathers in group work, no matter what kind of workplace "leadership" "intellectual humility" Stress "and" learning / review ability "will be questioned.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log