Developing into litigation by introducing coffee machine with "DRM" not working with coffee of other companies

ByPatrick Gensel

A capsule type coffee machine that can easily drink authentic coffee easily at home is gradually penetrating in Japan, but it is a big coffee maker'sQurigAnnounced that it will manufacture a coffee machine that will not operate even if capsules made by other companies are put. In introducing this system, we manufacture cheap coffee capsulesTreeHouse FoodsHas filed suit against Kurigu as "monopolizing the market".

Keurig's next-gen single-serve brewers will DRM-lock your coffee

In both the United States and Canada, the popularity of single cup coffee (capsule type coffee) is rising, and coffee maker's "Kurigu" · "Nespresso"·"TassimoThere are intense competition winding up at the three companies.


In the fourth quarter of 2013Green Mountain Coffee RoastersAnd Brian Kelly, subsidiary company Kurig, as the new system of coffee machine "Keurig 2.0Announced to sell coffee machines equipped with "from 2014 to early 2015. Keurig 2.0 does not work with unauthorized third party capsulesDRM (Digital Rights Management)"In the system like this, Kuurigu as its own brand of coffee capsule series"K-CupIt sells capsules other than K - Cup on Keurig 2.0 loaded coffee machines.

TreeHouse Foods Inc., which sells low cost coffee capsules 15 to 20% cheaper than K-Cup, is filing a lawsuit against Qurig as "it monopolizes the market and is a technology contrary to laws that impede competition." About the fact that we received a lawsuit, Green Mountain commented, "It is an immutable lawsuit and we are actively defending."

The capsule coffee enthusiast's website "Single Serve Coffee"Is one of the companies that make up TreeHouse FoodsSturm FoodsOne photograph of the low price version K - Cup type coffee capsule sold by the company is posted. Unlike the K-Cup which contains the filter and drip coffee beans, the contents are instant coffee powder and have no filter attached.

Because of the existence of the above-mentioned merchandise in low-priced capsule coffee, the share price of Green Mountain is rising even after litigation.

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log