"BKON Craft Brewer" which can make tea and coffee quickly and deliciously with "negative pressure"

Roasting and dripping from raw beansI put coffee,Enjoy the ultimate tea on a capsule type machineVarious technologies have been developed to enjoy delicious coffee and tea, but we made use of a completely new process, allowing us to extract tea and coffee to the maximum extent in a short time Of "BKON Craft Brewer"is.

The open source artisan | BKON

BKON: Bringing The Potential of Sous-Vide To Beverage Extraction

You can check the state that the tea is being brewed from the following movie.

Bkon TX (Explaining brew process) - YouTube

Bkon's unique point is in its own "RAIN" technology using "negative pressure". Dean Vastardis, CEO, got a bachelor's degree from Temple University and developed a system at home garage. For example, Hibiscus tea with dry ginger is a normal way to make it 7 minutes, but in the case of Bkon it is possible to draw out the scent and sweetness of the material perfectly in just 90 seconds using low temperature hot water. Deliver coffee culture and newsSprudgeThe reporter says that the sweetness was very impressive when he tasted the impression.

This is Bkon.

When the water containing tea leaves in the container is bubbling, it bubbles.

No negative pressure is generated.

The operation is done by the touch screen attached to the side of the main body.

At the bottom of the main body is the character of bkon.

Extracted tea and coffee will be brewed in a server like a beaker.

How does it work? As you can see from the figure below you can see that. First, put the tea leaves and water (low temperature hot water) into the container and suck out the air. By doing so, the inside of the cylinder becomes a "negative pressure" where the pressure is lower than outside, and the tea leaves on the surface of the water.

Furthermore, when sucking out the air, the negative pressure tendency becomes stronger, the air contained in the water or tea leaves is released, and foams when the whole is blown.

When sucking out of air is stopped, the pressure returns to the original 1 atm. Then the water is restored, moisture permeates into the tea leaves the air, and the flavor of the tea melts out into the water.

By repeating the cycle of sucking and returning air in this way according to the contents repeatedly, it is possible to maximize the merit of the flavor.

The following movie shows how the above process is carried out on actual machine.

Bkon (Reverse Atmospheric Infusion ™) - YouTube

Bkon has also attracted attention from the industry, Starbucks concept store which made the main tea "Teavana"It is said that it is used experimentally also.

It looks simple, but the mechanism is quite complicated, with three thermoblock heaters, you can use the water whose temperature is strictly controlled by controlling the temperature of the whole machine, and the two vacuum pump systems adjust the pressure It is supposed to do.

Applicable not only to coffee and tea but also to cocktails, you can easily prepare your favorite drink by touching the color-coded recipe according to the color-coded drink filter. In addition, you can also upload recipes onto Craft Cloud, so you can share information among users. Since it can be extracted in a short time, you can make about 60 cups of beverages per hour, and even with a self-cleaning function, you do not have to remove the container and wash it every time you change the type of drink.

Toward the first sale in June, we are currently manufacturing 100 Bkons, full scale production is scheduled to be carried out this autumn. The price is $ 13,000 per car (about 1.3 million yen).

The open source artisan | BKON

in Hardware,   Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log