Eleven things you do not know about Apple, such as Jobs' last words

ByMark Rain

Apple, from hardware and software to sales of digital content, is one of the world's most famous companies. Everyone has ever heard of Apple, but it is uncommon for people to keep secrecy and get inside information outside. About 11 such facts probably most people would not know about such AppleThe GuardianIt is open to the public.

Eleven things you did not know about Apple | Technology | theguardian.com

◆ 01: Steve Jobs was adopted

ByThierry ehrmann

Jobs, who was co-founder and legendary CEO of Apple who passed away in 2011, is actually a Syrian father and is adopted for adoption at an early age. Jobs' real father is Syrian Abdul Faitar · Gendari and her mother is American Joan · Siebel. Jobs was adopted for adoption in 1955 and was taken over by Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs of the Americans due to the strong request of the mother of Seble. Jobs 'real parents marry after formally adopting Jobs and honor Jobs' real sisterMona SimpsonI am doing it.

◆ 02: "Devil's number" was used for Apple I's price

ByConner Downey

Apple's first PC, Apple I, was originally a price of five "6" figures of 666 dollars and 66 cents. In the Christian region, "666"Is a number pointing to the devil, I did not know about it at allSteve WozniakHe said that it was 666 dollars and 66 cents from the ease of typing.

◆ 03: All delivery by Apple is airborne

ByAngelo DeSantis

Cathay PacificThe largest customer, Apple, will ship all products by plane rather than ship. The primary reason why Apple uses air freight only is because it places importance on the speed of transportation rather than cost.

◆ 04: Macintosh apple type name

ByJorge Elías

"MacintoshThe name "developer"Jeff RuskinI got it from the name of the kind of apple I liked. Jobs initially tried to change "Macintosh" to "bicycle", but it is eventually adopted as the official name.

◆ 05: The product used for Apple's advertisement is not CG

Ultrahigh resolution product images used for Apple advertisements such as brilliantly beautiful iPhones and iPads are not CG but "High dynamic range synthesis(HDRI) "is used to create hundreds of close-up images of high-resolution products using the same method.

◆ 06: Steve Wozniak still has Apple employees

ByMario Sixtus

Wozniak who launched Apple with Jobs at home garage in 1976 does not currently work on Apple at all, but he is still an employee of Apple and has about 120,000 dollars a year (about 12.23 million yen) I am receiving compensation.

◆ 07: Last words of Jobs


According to Monks Simpson, Jobs' real younger sister, the final word that Jobs said just before his death was "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow"was. In addition, Simpson gave a memorial message read at the Jobs' commemorative ceremonyPublished at The New York Timesdoing.

◆ 08: There was another co-founder in Apple besides Jobs and Wozniak


Apple is Jobs, Wozniak andRonald WayneFounded by three people. Wayne designed Apple's company logo, "Apple I"Manual and written guarantee. Wayne owned 10% of the shares of Apple at that time, but he sold shares at 800 dollars (about 240 thousand yen at that rate) for debiting repayment. If Wayne still holds shares of Apple, it is worth more than about $ 35 billion (3.6 trillion yen).

◆ 09: Jobs was opposed to a white Apple product

ByNicole Kasper

Jobs initially took the opposite position to white Apple products, but is senior vice president of Apple's industrial design groupJonathan IveBy strong persuasion, I allowed the development of white products besides black. White is the favorite color of Ive, and it is also used for works created during school days.

◆ 10: Packaging is as important as the product

ByThe Pug Father

Apple is concentrating on packaging as much as a product and there is even a secret room for package design at Apple's headquarters in California. The designer says that he is keenly studying the package design in that secret room, which is impressed when the purchaser opens it. "Inside Apple"The author, Adam Lassinsky, said in the same book that" Package designers trial and error everyday, thinking "how buyers can be impressed" even on small tabs to peel off films attached to products "I am talking about commitment to Apple's package.

◆ 11: iMac G4 looks like a male symbol

ByCarl Berkeley

A book written about Jonathan IveJony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products"Leander Kahney, author of the"IMac G4"Published in the same book. The idea of ​​Apple's design team is the placement of the iMac G4, which reminds me of male symbols, with an impressive display with a long handle in the center and a dome-shaped foundation, with two rounded speakers on each side.

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