Movie made by assembling more than 500,000 LEGO movies are really running

It is a block of Danish-born toysLegoEven adults can enjoy it, beyond the category of toysField of scienceYaArt materialIt has various possibilities such as being used as. There were some people who combined such more than 500,000 Lego Blocks to create a car that can actually travel.


The scenes in which cars that are actually made of Lego are running are contained in the following movies.

Life Size Lego Car Powered by Air - YouTube

Cubic parts with characteristic irregularities

Circular handle also reproduced by combining blocks

It seems that the seat has irregularities that fit the body

The door has a hinge structure and can be opened and closed.

It is strange that it looks like a cockpit of a proper car if you turn your eyes on what is a little horny.

The engine part just like a real car.

The engine is designed to move with a mechanism using air pressure, and the compressed air sent through the pipe pushes down the piston and rotates the tire.

At the center of the circularly arranged piston, there is a red crankshaft.

It is structured to connect four engines, and it seems that a total of 256 pistons are used.

Equipped with a pressure gauge indicating that it is moving with air.

Here is the body of the completed LEGO car. Production was done in Romania and it seems that it has been brought to Australia by sea mail.

Steve Sammartino, an entrepreneur living in Melbourne, Australia, who led the project. I cooperated with Raul Oaida, a 20-year-old Romanian who met through the Net, and built a LEGO car.

Raul Oaida sitting in Lego car. You can see that it is full-scale car body size.

There are more than 500,000 blocks of Lego being used. As the budget of the project called "Super Awesome Micro Project" required $ 25,000 (about 2.6 million yen), the two decided to collect funds in a cloud funding format that seeks investment through the net.

As a result, it seems that he succeeded in collecting about 60,000 dollars (about 6.25 million yen) from about 40 investors.

It is estimated that the maximum speed is around 30 kilometers, but I am afraid of getting apart by vibration during driving, and I heard that speed has not been increased to that speed.

Almost all parts are made of Lego blocks, but it seems that only parts that are subjected to large forces such as wheels and bearings are using parts other than Lego.

In this project that started with the feeling that "I want to make something that has never been made before", it was used to gather fundsPurposeIt is open to the public. The merit of investing is "We will send out to the world when we succeed in the project. What I was involved in this project will be an interesting event in the investor's career, and as a computer geek · technician It will be positive for the career ".

The Super Awesome Micro Project Prospectus

After that, they also said that there is a concept of the project. I would like to expect what kind of work will appear.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log