I admit that President Obama is prohibited from using the iPhone for security reasons
Obama President of the United States can push its ownMedical insurance system reform(So-called Obama Care) at a meeting for young people, I acknowledged that the use of the iPhone is not permitted because security is weak.
Obama Not Allowed an iPhone for Security Reasons | SecurityWeek.Com
President ObamaBlackberryIt is famous to be a lover of the same name, but with President Obama 's remarks, it became clear that there was a reason not to be preoccupied with the iPhone and not available. By the way, President Obama 's daughters Sasha and Maria are crazy about the iPhone.
It is hard to imagine that the world's most strict security standards are required for mobile phones used by the top powers of the superpowers, but as soon as President Obama has fulfilled the reelection, he gained permission to use Blackberry from the secret service It was. Blackberry has lost the battle in the mobile terminal market with the iPhone and Android machines now, it is the light before the wind, but because of its high security due to its strong encryption function, it still seems to be popular in the White House.

ByU.S. Government Work
President Obama often tells us that the stress is accumulating because the hardships of the guards in the White House, including the aide, are isolated from the outside world and the voice of the general public does not reach directly, but President According to the aide, it is time when President Obama is released from stress, when he is scrolling love machine blackberry in the presidential limousine.

ByU.S. Government Work
Although the problem of telephone wiretapping by Prime Minister of Germany and Mr. Merkel by the US government may have been around the world and it may be a situation that "use of the iPhone is a pretty good point" to prevent eavesdropping,It is possible to collect user information even with BlackberryIt seems like it makes sense.
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