Researchers point out that 'Personal information is leaked out' as soon as the dating app for the supporters of Trump is released

by Gage Skidmore
A dating app for supporters of Trump 's President who gave a catch phrase "MAKE AMERICA DATE AGAIN" (to let Americans date again) was released. "Many people who support the party on the left are quitting dates when they find out that love is supported by President Trump", but as soon as the application becomes available for downloading, security researchers will ask "name , Profile pictures, personal information such as tokens required for logging in to accounts have been leaked ".
The 'Donald Daters' Trump Dating App Exposed Its Users' Data - Motherboard 3/the-donald-daters-trump-dating-app-exposed-a-load-of-its-users-data

On October 15, 2018 (Monday), the dating application " Donald Daters " for supporters of President Donald Trump is released. Fox News of the news media said about Donald Daters "Users can chat freely if they match each other and can block if liberalists come with a fight.Donald Daters is open to everyone I write it ".

When Fox News reported on Donald Daters, not only proponents of President Trump, but security researchers also focused on this application. And one of them Baptiste Robert pointed out that personal information such as names, profile pictures, and tokens required for account login are exposed to the public database. "It is very easy to pretend to be someone with this application," Robert said.
Security researcher Elliot Alderson also says that "obviously the wrong database has been created", including user data from Donald Daters. In order to check the data leaked from the application, the news media Motherboard created an account of Donald Daters and logged in, it certainly searched the application for the corresponding data that matches the photo or name. However, contents of the leaked message include the content of the private message, but it seems that we can not confirm it. Also, login tokens are not confirmed for legal reasons.
When Motherboard tried using Donald Daters, it seems that only men in the district have been shown despite having set "I am looking for a woman living in New York", "It is slow in operation and not very functional It is said that it felt "not". It is not until the release that the user is still small.
Donald Daters says on the website "Privacy of your personal information is preserved, we place importance on safe dating online, who we are interested in in our community Please do not share your personal information with your profile before doing a thorough examination. " Furthermore, Motherboard wrote that Donald Daters did not return comments at the time of article creation against Motherboard's question.
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