"Harima Sakura" which reproduced the OP-like atmosphere of old-fashioned anime is tremendous quality

National Institute of Radiological Sciences RIKEN X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility "SACLA"What is wrong with what," Japan's unique technological strength is gathered! The spectacular "exploring story" of the X-ray laser facility, the picoscope "SACLA" that can see the smallest one in the world starts now! By saying that, I'm publishing movies that have filled up the spirit.


The following is that movie, or something like the opening movie style of animation.

Miku Hiko Harima Sakura - YouTube

Zoom in to the glowing blue earth

As we approach closer we will see Japan

Further closer to X-ray free electron laser facility "SACLA"

As we go through the glittering and glittering ... ...

A mysterious girl emerges illuminated by the spotlight

Light begins to clearly be seen illuminating the face ......

"Harima Sakura" appeared

Decision pose

And the title, Baburn

Lyrics display at the bottom with feeling like old-fashioned animation

Content and link of lyrics as well as video

"I am seeking the answer in this small universe"


I do not know where I'm watching around This atmosphere is good

Even more seemingly perspective-like things evolve one after another

Something that seems to be a target & a mystery mascot (or a pico-net of those who are on the right rather the official character)

Trembling motion crawling

The same series built in the past appeared one after another

There should be people who notice the secret of this quality around here

As usual the movement of crispness

Effects and lyrics are everything perfectly matched

And finally the Special Motion

A huge bow-like weapon appeared with Shakien, transformed into a bearish babe

Something that seems to be a power reactor is gashakon gashakon like a feeling and it is bursting with a flash of light

Light converges and replaces arrows, into hands

Hold a bow ... ....

Animation from here onwards is a masterpiece


Dove up of eyes

Firing right after! It is!

Insert meaningful cuts ......

Light scattering all over the world

All character set

Properly making "Provisional"

Why is it such a tremendous opening animation, animation production is "Kamikaze video"The theme song is"FripSide"Pico scope - SACLA -" by voice,Mamiko NotoBecause it is in charge. It is a common method to create animations in tie-ups of companies and others, but it is a refreshing level if it penetrates so far.

Actually, there is only the thing that makes quality animation so far, and the content of other contents is not odd. First of all, manga of secret story of birth as to how this "Harima Sakura" was born on tumblr is open to the public like that.

Harima Sakura birth anniversary story

There are also 24 wallpapers including up to iOS 7, and it is easy to enrich. The area where I make my own summary site by myself is excellent.

Harima Sakura Wallpaper Image Summary

In addition to this, a fantastic animation painted with pencils and watercolors has been released.

Forgotten star (forwarding) - YouTube

Also, a movie by Mizue Mizuta, an abstract animation artist who continues to depict the world of cells that can not be seen with the naked eye is worth seeing at first sight.

Picotopia - YouTube

in Science,   Video,   Anime, Posted by darkhorse