"Web evolution" which graphically expresses the history of progress of web and browser such as Opera · Safari · Firefox

ByNeeraj Sharma

By the time the computer began to develop in the 1950's, the Internet where the idea had already been born is rapidly spreading since the entry into the 1990s. On that foundationWWW(World Wide Web) andHTMLThe system of the system was organized,CookieYaJavaScript,FlashIt was indispensable to use various technologies such as the browser and the browser technology that implemented them. A site that summarizes the history of these technological developments and displays interactively is "Web evolution"is.

Web evolution

This screen is displayed first when you access the page. Click "more" at the bottom left.

Then a screen showing the flow of browser and web technology is displayed. The left end has been started since 1990, and the layout has become the time going forward until the most right 2012.

Color bands painted on each color represent web technology, lines extending from browser icons represent the flow of each version change, and where the two overlap shows when the technology was implemented in the browser.

When you hover the mouse over web technology it will be highlighted and details will be displayed.

Clicking on the part written as "read more" ......

A detailed page of each item was displayed.

It is also possible to see the history of the browser and images of each version. Click the browser icon or the version number displayed on the line.

Then, the release date of each version and the display image are displayed like this.

Mosaic Ver.0.1 (released in March 1993)

NetScape Ver.0.9 (released in October 1994)

Opera Ver.1 (released in April 1995)

Internet Explorer Ver.1 (released in August 1995)

Safari Ver.1 (released in June 2003)

Firefox Ver.1 (released in November 2004)

Chrome Ver.1 (released in December 2008)

It is also possible to display a graph showing the growth of the Internet. Click "Growth of the Internet" at the upper left of the screen.

In a similar format, a graph is displayed showing the amount of Internet users traffic across the world.

If you move the switch in the upper right of the screen to the right moon mark ... ...

You can also change the background color.

It is no exaggeration to say that there was no development of the Internet without the development of these web technologies. Please note that the Google Chrome team is cooperating with the creation of this site. It was a graphic that could see the relation and history of each technology and browser and the deep understanding of the web.

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log