"100 Years of Rock Visualized" that you can understand the history of rock 'n' roll 100 years and watch it

ByAndres Rodriguez

People who love rock and roll exist around the world, but "Rock 'n' rollEven saying "Rockabilly"Hard Rock"Blues"There are various genres such as. Infographics that can understand the roots of numerous rock music from the birth of such rock and roll to the present age while watching songs by genre is "100 Years of Rock Visualized"is.

100 Years of Rock Visualized

When you access it, it says "History of rock 100 years to understand within 1 minute from gospel to grunge", the line goes downward from each music genre of the 1900s, the history of rock automatically It will be played.

Each line is color coded for each genre.

After seeing down, you can play again once clicking "REPLAY ANIMATION". But I do not understand anything in this.

That's why I will unlock the history of rock from top to bottom. Besides "Gospel", music before the 1900's, there are "classical", "Western music" and others. If you click on "Work Song" from that, the song of that genre will be played, and the line to the next genre will expand.

The song of the band "Mississippi and Louisiana State Penitentiaries Prisoners" was reproduced. Song names and artist names can be checked from the link to iTunes at the bottom right of the screen, and purchase of songs at the link destination is also possible.

When you click "Bruce" derived from "Work Song", Robert Johnson's song was played.

When the blues exceeds 1910,Pine Top SmithIt sings, it is derived to the genre of "boogie woogie".

When approaching the year 1940, Boogie Woogie was derived to "Electric Blues" and was reproducedT-Bone WalkerSong of.

In mid-1960John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers"Bruce Rock" connected, and until the past 70 years, "Psychedelic Rock", "Heavy Metal" etc branching. This era has the most red genres representing rock music, and you can see that "progressive rock" and "gram rock" were born in this era too.

Following the derivation and clicking "Hard Rock"The Rolling StonesBegins to flow ... ...

Before entering the 1990s, the two-legged line that stretched down was "Lap Rock" and in the mid 1900Foo FightersHas reached "Post Grunge" where it will be played.

In addition, "techno" suddenly appeared around 1850 without roots, but after that it is derived to a genre like a combination of mechanical sound and metal rhythm "German Electronic Metal".

In addition to not only reading out the modern era from the old age but also thinking, for example, "I want to explore the roots of rock and roll!", It is okay going back from "rock and roll" around 1950. What was reproducedJackie Brenston & His Delta Cats.

Returning to the 1920s back to "country".

Further retroactively, I found that the roots of rock and roll are the genres "bluegrass" and "Western music".

Also, when you click "New Wave" that got popular around the world from the mid 1970s to the 1980sDevoIs played, and it is derived from "Gothic Rock" and "Indie Rock".

Overall, the rock system occupies most of the genres in the 1970's ... ...

From 1980 onwards, many genres begin to be mixed, including metal music such as "Death Metal" and "Thrash Metal".

From the 1990s onwards, genre derivation became less and the genre of rock disappeared. The genre called "NUGAZE" was born most recently after 2000The Pains of Being Pure At HeartIt was being played.

In recent years, the genre of music is also branching repeatedly, so definitions are somewhat subtle. If you get confused as "Where do you point from this genre?", You may be able to solve it with this infographic.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log