LEXUS next generation premium compact SUV "LF-NX" haste photo review

Next generation compact SUV concept car of LEXUS (Lexus) "LF-NX"But,Tokyo Motor Show 2013As I was exhibiting it, I watched it immediately.

LF-NX is a model classified as "Compact SUV" popular in Japan

Lexus' s synonymous "spindle grill" is powerful

Full length 4640 mm, full width 1870 mm, total height 1630 mm

The power unit is a 2 liter turbo engine, and its running performance is also high

However, the whole width was wanted to be within 1850 mm which is the size of the general tower parking in Japan ......

It is a distinctive design from the tail lamp to the muffler end

Everything such as lights and mirrors sharp design

From the side to the rear, complicated and glamorous designs are not bored with looking

Public opening of the Tokyo Motor Show 2013 will start from the preview night of November 22 (Friday).

in Coverage,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log