Stallone and Schwarzenegger challenge the Ultimate Prison "Great Escape" Special News Video Release

Movie "Great escape" movie "Escape Plan" which will be a full-scale competition of action actor Sylvester · Stallone and Arnold · Schwarzenegger will be banned for the first time. In "EXPENDABLES" and "EXPENDABLES 2" where two people previously competed, Schwarzenegger was a cameo appearance to the last, but in this work you can fully enjoy the figure of the two people placed in the two-tap.

Stallone & Schwarzenegger starring "Great escape" special video footage - YouTube

A huge tanker floating in the ocean

This is the "ultimate prison"

It was the designer and the jailbroken professional bracelet that was put in there

Why is Breslin treated like this ...?

Breslin meets a mysterious man Rotmeyer in the prison.

"The Strongest Dream Tag"

"Stallone x Schwarzenegger"

Two people who consult with "How to escape" "How?"


"Why here"


Since two action actors are complete, many scenes naturally put on the body also appeared.



"Great escape"

Publication is from January 10, 2014.

The director is Michael Hafstrom, "the truth of The Light Exorcist" and "Shanghai". In addition to Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel of "Passion", Sam Neill of "Jurassic Park", Vinnie Jones of "Snatch" and others.

Stallone is 67 years old, Schwarzenegger is 66 years old, as an action actor already has passed, but I'm looking forward to how much power of the two people will make the movie excitement.

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in Video,   Movie, Posted by logc_nt