I asked Lawson about the start of handling of over-the-counter drugs
BySimon Q Tin
Regulation was relaxed by the revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Law which came into effect in 2009, even if the pharmacist is absentRegistered sellerIt is now possible to sell a large number of medicines except the first-class medicines at stores that have. Due to this influence, there was an increase in seeing where medicines are being sold at supermarkets and home electronics mass merchandisers, etc. Lawson, a major convenience chain chain leader, is genuinely involved in sales of cold medicine and gastrointestinal medicine at 3,000 stores nationwide It seems to enter.
Full-scale entry into Lawson drug sales NHK News
It is said that starting handling of over-the-counter drugs at shops nationwide in Lawson will hire new registrants from the next fiscal year or plan to make employees acquire the qualifications of registered sellers I tried to call the Lawson Public Relations Department about what handling is planned at the store, what area to start handling, etc.
Although it is said that we will start marketing drug sales at 3,000 stores nationwide, is the type of store we sell only Lawson, or will it be sold at stores like Lawson 100?
Lawson (L):
It is scheduled to sell only with blue Lawson. There is nothing else.
Although it is planned to expand the handling store of over-the-counter drugs to 3000 stores nationwide in 5 years, are there plans to expand the sales stores specifically from what area?
We will gradually expand centering on the center of Tokyo, but we are planning to start from a store that we can implement of course.
Will commercial drugs be sold at convenience stores 24 hours a day, or will it be sold only during the time period when a pharmacist or registered dealer is in?
I will make an effort to be able to sell for 24 hours.
So I was able to talk about the overview partly. Regarding the handling of marketing medicines by LAWSON, it is said that there is a report within the settlement announcement made from 15:30 today, so I will update the contents as soon as additional information is entered. The announcement of LAWSON's financial resultsNico Nico Live BroadcastingYaUSTREAMYou can watch at.
2013/10/08 18:25 Addendum
Lawson announced that it will evolve from "got Hot Station of Machi" to "Machi Health Station" in the business strategy announcement that was held after the announcement of settlement of accounts.
An important "self-medication support" service for Lawson to become a "health center for gore". It is part of thisOTCRegistered sellers are necessary for selling, but there are so many registered sellers in franchisees as well. It seems that the policy of selling marketing medicines using ICT and increasing the number of registered salespeople is a policy to think while watching how the regulation will go in the future.
Furthermore, if a pharmacy that has more than 50,000 stores nationwide and a healthy and tasty food service developed by Natural Lawson are combined, it will be possible to develop new models and speed up the expansion of stores Well, that was.
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in Note, Posted by logu_ii