"Short Domain Search" that can find the latest available short URL


To the famous domain name as "the longest URL in the world"PiAs it is "http://3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.com/"Or"http://www.thelongestdomainnameintheworldandthensomeandthensomemoreandmore.com/There is a thing called, but when it becomes too long URL, it is hard to remember, and the risk that it is easy for mistakes to occur also occurs. In such a case it is useful to find short URLs that can be retrieved "Short Domain Search"is.

Short Domain Search: Find the best single-word domain names!

On the site, 3000 or more domain names that can be acquired within the length of "3 characters + 2 letters" to "6 characters + 2 letters" are displayed, and it is possible to search by the desired keyword .

You can search by entering the desired character string in "Search".

It is also possible to narrow down by the desired domain.

It is also possible to rearrange the display by "length" "alphabetical order" "domain".

Once you know that you can obtain the desired URL, it is a domain acquisition serviceGoDaddy,Namecheap,IWantMyNameYou can jump to one of the following and proceed with the acquisition.

BitlyYaGoogleAlthough "Short URL service" provided by Shima is also very useful, it may be said to be effective to shorten the URL in the first place.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log